On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 5:50:05 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
> What is your question? If you want to do an offset, you need two numbers 
> -- either the two endpoints of the interval or one endpoint plus the size 
> of the interval. Whichever pair of numbers you have, it is a single 
> arithmetic operation to get the alternative pair. It might help if you 
> explain what two numbers you would prefer to work with and where you are 
> getting them.
> Anthony

Is the issue perhaps cognitive dissonance caused by "min" and "max" being 
different from Richard's concept of "offset"?  I can see that if you're 
used to applying min and max to the* values*, you might be disturbed by 
applying them to the *indices*.


> On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 4:11:52 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I may not understanding something... I am desapointed that I can't simply 
>> manipulate offset of the sql... Or should I just manipulate the limit...
>> I mean if I do repetitively thise query in sql :
>> select * form table order by desc limit 10 offset 0
>> select * form table order by desc limit 10 offset 10
>> select * form table order by desc limit 10 offset 20
>> select * form table order by desc limit 10 offset 30
>> I will get progressively all the records from the table 10 at a time...
>> But I can't simply do it with this query :
>> rows = db((db.table.id > 0)
>>               ).select(db.table.id, db.table.represent_field,
>>                        orderby=~db.table.id,
>>                        limitby=(10, offset if offset else 0))
>> Reading the book there seems to have planty of backend that don't support 
>> paging with limit and offset properly...
>> But still I find it frustrasting to have to struggle with the DAL and 
>> have to provide min and max for the offset to a limitby function which 
>> isn't a limit but an offset in reallity...
>> I solve it with this :
>> offset = request.vars.limit_by
>> if offset not in ('None', '', None) and offset.isdigit():
>>     offset = int(offset)
>>     min = offset - 10
>>     max = offset
>> else:
>>     offset = None
>>     min = 0
>>     max = 10
>> rows = db((db.table.id > 0)
>>               ).select(db.table.id, db.table.represent_field,
>>                        orderby=~db.table.id,
>>                        limitby=(min, max))
>> Richard

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