On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 6:10:01 PM UTC-8, Marcelo Huerta wrote:
> Running 2.14.6-stable+timestamp.2016. on Ubuntu and Windows 
> 7, python 2.7
> When I try to generate a CSV or TSV from a grid with a Virtual Field, I 
> get a ticket with a KeyError.
Can you show us your table definition?

Others will have to answer whether the CSV code knows whether a field is 
virtual or actual.  Looking at gluon/tools.py, server_csv() calls  
universal_caller(), which appears to pass along as many positional and 
named arguments as it can, and for the csv case the named args come from 



> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 227, in restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\applications\axxoneval\controllers/default.py", line 
> 447, in <module>
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 417, in <lambda>
>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 4250, in f
>     return action(*a, **b)
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\applications\axxoneval\controllers/default.py", line 
> 199, in listar_evaluaciones
>     csv = True, create = False, editable = False, deletable = True, 
> searchable=True, details=False,
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 2752, in grid
>     value = row[str(field)]
>   File "F:\Prog\web2py\gluon\packages\dal\pydal\objects.py", line 76, in 
> __getitem__
>     raise KeyError
> KeyError
> Is this a known problem?

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