But... "any"? I need some more information about lambda I think....where to 
find this syntax with any?
where is written what you told about evaluation?
Thank you very much

Il giorno mercoledì 19 aprile 2017 17:30:06 UTC+2, Anthony ha scritto:
> First, when using auth.requires(), it is best to put the test inside a 
> lambda (or standard function) so it will not be evaluated until the 
> decorated function is actually called (otherwise, the test will be 
> evaluated whenever the controller file is accessed).
> Anyway, you can do something like this:
> list_of_roles = ['role1', 'role2', 'role3'] # You could get this list via 
> a database query
> @auth.requires(lambda: any(auth.has_membership(role) for role in 
> list_of_roles))
> def myfunc():
>     ...
> Anthony
> On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 8:14:53 AM UTC-4, Andrea Fae' wrote:
>> For example I have this type of functions:
>> # sono autorizzati i vari manager a seconda della sede
>> @auth.requires(auth.has_membership('Total-manager') | 
>> auth.has_membership('Conegliano-studente') | 
>> auth.has_membership('Pordenone-manager') | 
>> auth.has_membership('Pordenone-studente') | 
>> auth.has_membership('Udine-studente'))
>> def appuntamenti_studente():
>>      # recupero lo studente selezionato
>>     studente = request.args(0)
>>     # recupero il gruppo
>>     # query per recuperare il nome  dello studente
>>     query_nome_studente = db.auth_user.id == studente
>>     # recupero nome e cognome dello studente
>>     row = 
>> db(query_nome_studente).select(db.auth_user.first_name,db.auth_user.last_name).first()
>>     #seleziono gli eventi dello studente
>>     query = (db.evento.studenti.contains(studente))
>>     eventi_stud = db(query).select()
>>     # imposto la grid per far vedere gli eventi dello studente
>>     exportcls = dict(csv_with_hidden_cols=False, html=False, json=False, 
>> tsv_with_hidden_cols=False, tsv=False)
>>     # solo se lo studente corrisponde a chi si è loggato
>>     if (str(auth.user.id) == studente):
>>         #print 'sono al form normale'
>>         form = SQLFORM.grid(query, args=[studente], 
>> fields=[db.evento.titolo, 
>> db.evento.inizio,db.evento.fine,db.evento.risorsa, 
>> db.evento.materia,db.evento.docente],create=False, details=False, 
>> editable=False, deletable=False, maxtextlength=60, exportclasses = 
>> exportcls)
>>     else:
>>         redirect(URL('default','index'))
>>     return locals()
>> I'm testing different "fixed" values in the @auth.requires, but they can 
>> be more or less depending on how many roles are in the db. I'd like to do 
>> this dynamically from the db, extracting and compising this @auth.requires 
>> line in dynamic way. Is it possible? Do you have any examples? Thank you

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