No, you should still set session.flash in your controller code. However, 
your view should have {{=response.flash}}, as the framework will move the 
value of session.flash to response.flash after the redirect.

Also, as already noted, you cannot define form=auth() and then subsequently 
call form.process().


On Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 4:15:13 AM UTC-4, Yebach wrote:
> Hello
> Form is defined as form = auth()
> Changing session.flash to response.flash still does not work after user
> This is my whole user code
> def user():
>     form = auth()
>     if request.args(0)=='profile':
>         #uporabnikov Id
>         uid =  auth.user_id
>         #preberem podatke za tega userja iz obeh tabel
>         record = db(( & (
> == uid)).select().as_list()[0]
>         recordd = db(( & (
> == uid)).select().first()
>         #Skrijem nepotrebna polja
>         fields_to_hide_org = ['id', 'o_usern', 'o_useru', 
> 'o_daten','o_dateu', 'o_status', 'o_code', 'o_faxnumber',\
>                           'o_rootid', 'o_parentid', 'o_levelid', 
> 'o_positionx','o_positiony' ]
>         for fieldname in fields_to_hide_org:
>             field = db.organizations[fieldname]
>             field.readable = field.writable = False
>         fields_to_hide_user = ['email', 'password', 'organization']
>         for fieldname in fields_to_hide_user:
>             field = db.auth_user[fieldname]
>             field.readable = field.writable = False
>         #org_name =  db( == 
> record["organization"]).select(db.organization.o_name).as_list()[0]["o_name"]
>         #nastavim vrednsoti polj, ki so ze v bazi
>         authfields = [field for field in db.auth_user if != 
> 'id']
>         #print record
>         for field in authfields:
>             #print field
>             field.default = recordd.auth_user[]
>         orgfields = [field for field in db.organizations if != 
> 'id']
>         for field in orgfields:
>             field.default = recordd.organizations[]
>         form=SQLFORM.factory(db.auth_user,db.organizations, keepvalues = 
> True)
>         orgid = record["organizations"]['id']
>         #print orgid
>         if form.process().accepted:
>             #Updatam polja v bazi
>             org_forma = db.organizations._filter_fields(form.vars)
>             for key, value in org_forma.iteritems():
>                 #print key, value
>                 db(db.organizations._id==orgid).update(**{key:value})
>                 #db( = value)
>             user_forma = db.auth_user._filter_fields(form.vars)
>             for key, value in user_forma.iteritems():
>                 db(db.auth_user._id==orgid).update(**{key:value})
>             session.flash=T('Thanks for filling the form')
>             redirect(URL('index'))
>         return dict(form=form)
>     """
>     Tole je sedaj tukaj ker ni delal foreing key na auth_user.organization
>     """    
>     if request.args(0) == 'register':
>         #form = auth.register()
>         if form.process().accepted:
>             database = str(db).rpartition('/')[-1].replace('">', '')
>             host = request.http_host
>             port = request.http_port
>             app = request.application
>             if host:
>                 name = '%s/%s' % (host, app)
>             else:
>                 name = app
>             #print form.vars
>             userid =
>             email =
>             first_name = form.vars.first_name
>             last_name =form.vars.last_name
>             org_name = form.vars.organization
>             add_organization(form, userid)
>             #glede na jezik se izbere formular
>             if any("adminLanguage=sl" in s for s in 
> request.env.HTTP_COOKIE.split(";")):
>                 formFile = os.path.join(request.folder, 'private', 
> 'formular_WoShi_podatki.doc')
>             else:
>                 formFile = os.path.join(request.folder, 'private', 
> 'form_WoShi_data.doc')
>             if not formFile or formFile is None:
>                 attachment = None
>             else:
>                 attachment = mail.Attachment(formFile, content_id='file')
>             #print URL(args=request.args, vars=request.get_vars, host=True)
>             app_Url = '%s://%s' % (request.env.wsgi_url_scheme, 
> request.env.http_host)
>             #print app_Url
>             regKey = db( == 
> userid).select(db.auth_user.registration_key).first()
>             key = regKey.registration_key
>             message_content = T('Click on the link ') + app_Url + 
> URL(r=request,c='default',f='user',args=['verify_email']) +  '/%s ' % (key) 
>  + T('to verify your email')
>             #print message_content
>             mail.send(to=[email],
>                         subject='Woshi confirm registration',
>                         message=message_content,
>                         attachments = attachment
>                         )
>             ##dodamo še mail za
>             mail.send(to = 'somerandommail',
>                       subject= 'New user registered in WoShi',
>                       message = 'A new user '+ first_name + " " + 
> last_name +' with e-mail address ' + email +" for organization " + org_name
>                                 + ' has registered to Woshi with url 
> address '
>                                 + name + ' in database ' + database
>                      )
>             #session.flash = T('Thank you for registering. Please check 
> your e-mail account')
>             response.flash = T('Thank you for registering. Please check 
> your e-mail account for further instructions')
>             #auth.settings.register_onaccept=[session.flash]
>             #session.flash=response.flash
>             #print response.flash
>             #print session
>             redirect(URL(request.application, 'default', 'index'))
>             #redirect(URL('index'))
>     return dict(form = form) 
> 2017-05-08 14:34 GMT+02:00 Anthony <>:
>> On Monday, May 8, 2017 at 5:08:59 AM UTC-4, Yebach wrote:
>>> Flash is show on my index page so the position <div 
>>> class="flash">{{=session.flash 
>>> or ''}}</div> is ok
>>> I just put session.flash('Some random text') in my index function and it 
>>> works
>> session.flash is not intended to work that way. You use session.flash 
>> only when you are doing a redirect, in which case, it gets moved from 
>> session.flash to response.flash after the redirect. So, the template should 
>> have {{=response.flash}}, not {{=session.flash}}.
>>> My code for user registration in user
>>> if request.args(0) == 'register':
>>>     #form = auth.register()
>>>     if form.process().accepted:
>>>         #some code
>>>         session.flash = ('Thank you for registering. Please check your 
>>> e-mail account')
>>>         redirect(URL(request.application, 'default', 'index'))
>> How is "form" defined above? If it is defined as form=auth.register(), 
>> then you cannot subsequently call form.process(), as auth.register() 
>> already calls form.process().
>> Anthony
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> Lep pozdrav 
> Vid Ogris

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