On Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 8:34:44 AM UTC-7, Maurice Ling wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am stuck with an issue - please refer to the code below.
> [...]
5. I will the want to copy the file into application/<app name>/upload 
> folder using shutils (lines 17-25) but the file name will be changed to 
> entry.file.<random number>.<original file name>
> 6. However, this does not work as I get the error that the file is not 
> found. 
> 7. For debugging, I print the source file name (line 21) and it only gave 
> me the file name when I will need the entire file path for shutil.copy2() 
> at line 25 to work.
> *[...]* 
               sourcefile = form.vars.uploadfile.filename

>    1.                 print sourcefile
>    2.                 newfile = upload_dir + os.sep + 'entry.file.' + \
>    3.                         str(int(random.random()*10000000000000)) + \
>    4.                         os.path.splitext(sourcefile)[-1]
>    5.                 shutil.copy2(sourcefile, newfile)
>    6. 
> [...]
A browser won't tell you the path to the file, just the filename.  It's a 
security measure.  The shutil.copy2() call can only handle files local to 
the server.  If you're using this page locally on the server, then you can 
provide the path information through other channels.

I do something like this on my home machine, because I'm using my app to 
tag my photos.   Currently, I provide a text field on the form to enter 
path (separate from filename), but I check that path against a list I keep 
in the code.  That limits the amount filesystem exploration someone could 
do if they somehow got access to my app.
(BTW, drag-and-drop works for getting the filename into its field).


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