def list(table):
    query = (table.is_active == True)
    items = current.db(query).select(orderby = ~table.created_on).render()
    actions = [
        {'is_item_action': lambda item: True, 'url': lambda item: 
URL('view', args = [item.id] ), 'icon': 'zoom-in', 'title': 'View', 
'onclick': ''},
        {'is_item_action': lambda item: True, 'url': lambda item: 
URL('edit', args = [item.id] ), 'icon': 'pencil', 'title': 'Edit', 
'onclick': ''},
    fields = [f for f in table]
    current.response.view = 'templates/grid/list.%s' % 
    return dict(item_name = table._singular, row_list = items, actions = 
actions, field_list = fields)

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<!-- all required datatables js and css in layout.html -->
$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
        "responsive": false,
        "dom": "ifrtlp",
        "language": {
            "decimal": ",",
            "thousands": "."
    } );
} );
<table id = "example" class = "display" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%">
        {{for field in field_list:}}
    {{for row in row_list:}}
        {{for field in field_list:}}
            <td>{{=row[field] }}</td>
            {{for action in actions:}}
                {{if action['is_item_action'](row):}}
                    <a href = '{{=action['url'](row) }}' onclick = 
'{{=action['onclick'] }}' title = '{{=action['title'] }}'>
                        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-{{=action['icon'] 

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