On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 2:25:47 PM UTC-7, Matthew J Watts wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm pretty new to web2py and web development in general. I'm really stuck 
> with something and haven't been able to find a tutorial which can help me 
> out etc. I was wondering if some one could point me in the right direction. 
> I have three tables. I want to upload a csv, and update each table in 
> sequence, so a newly generated primary key  can be passed to each 
> successive table. 
> (1)
> db.define_table('study_info',                      
>                 Field('title'))
>                                                                      One 
> to many relationship
> (2)
> db.define_table('',                                                        
>                 Field('study_info_id', 'reference study_info'),
>                 Field('taxon_name', type = 'string', 
> comment='Classification of sample collected'))
> (3)
> db.define_table('sample_data',                                           
>  One to many relationship
>                 Field('Core_data_id', 'reference core_data'),
>                 Field('value', type = 'double'))
> So just to clarify , data gets entered into the first table,  the primary 
> key from table 1 is then passed to the foreign key of 2, then same again 
> for 2 to 3. 
> I managed to get the function working to update one table from a csv,  
>  Would i somehow modify this with a for loop to insert one line from the 
> csv at a time?
> def import_csv(): 
>     from gluon.sqlhtml import form_factory
>     form = SQLFORM.factory(Field('csvfile','upload',uploadfield=False))
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         db.study_info.import_from_csv_file(request.vars.csvfile.file)
>         redirect(URL('index'))
>     return dict(form=form) 
I see 3 possible ways to go:

Probably the cleanest is to do what import_from_csv_file() does:

 import csv  # it's in the standard Python library,
csv.reader(mycsvfile, etc)
# <URL:https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/csv.html>
# for each line in the file:
lineno, line in enumerate(reader):
   validate line
   new_id = update_or_insert()
   # take a look at gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py, lines 911-949 
   # to see how column headers are handled, etc
   handle_next_table_here(..., new_id,...)

The second way is similar, but puts more burden on you in preparing the 

file = open(mycsvfile)
while not eof:
   line = readline(file)
   pieces = line.split(",")
   pieces = pieces.cleanup()
   # cleanup is a routine you supply to validate the format of the fields
   # the split and the cleanup may need to handle different delimiters 
("csv" may actually be tab-seperated, or space-seperated)
   # and if you have what looks like a delimiter in a quoted field, you 
have to deal with that, too.
   # but if your csv is controlled enough, you can do this without too much 
   new_id = update_or_insert()
   handle_next_table_here(..., new_id,...)

The third choice is easy [1] but ugly, and may be slow:

file1 = open(mycsvflle, "rb")
while not eof:
   line = files1.readline()
   file2 = open(mytmpfile, "wb")
   newrow = db(query).select().last()
   handle_next_table_here(..., newrow.id,...)

[1] okay, not dramatically easier than the first 2

Good luck!


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