> {{
> average=0for report in form:
> perc=(float(report.marks)/float(report.total))*float(100)if perc>=75:
> grade='A'elif perc>=65:
> grade='B'elif perc>=55:
> grade='C'elif perc>=45:
> grade='D'
> This is where I'm attempting to calculate the average
> average+=perc
> average2=int(average/7)}}
> {{pass}}
Looks like the {{pass}} immediately above closes the if/elif block, which 
means the two lines of code dealing with average and average2 only get 
executed in the "elif perc >= 45" block. That means average2 wouldn't even 
be defined otherwise, so I would expect you would be getting errors later 
in the code whenever there isn't at least one D in the list of grades.

Also, there is no reason to calculate average2 inside the for loop -- you 
only need to calculate it once after looping over all the records.

Finall, why not name the variables something like "total" and "average" 
instead of "average" (which is not really an average) and "average2"?


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