> And I'd also be grateful if someone just simple explained what {{pass}} 
> does in web2py and where do we place it because i find myself placing it in 
> wrong places and at times it just disrupts the balance of the entire code 
> if i don't place it correctly, that'd mean a lot, thanks.

The use of {{pass}} is explained 
here: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/05/the-views#The-views. 
Python usually defines code blocks based on indentation, but since the 
views do not require proper Python indentation, we need an alternate way to 
define code blocks when the boundaries are not otherwise obvious -- so you 
use {{pass}} to indicate the end of a code block. For example:

{{if some_condition:}}
Now we are outside the "else" block, so this line will always be displayed.

Without the {{pass}}, that last line would be part of the "else" block and 
therefore only display conditionally. Typically, you would need a {{pass}} 
to indicate the end of an if, else, elif, or for block in a view.


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