Hi, you can use requests.Session:

#in default
session = requests.Session()
url_login = 'http://..../api/login.json'   
#requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()  # - uncomment if you use a 
cert over https 
r = session.get(url_login, verify=True) #set verify=False if you use a 
cert over https

form = dict( username = 'user',   password = 'password')
r = session.post(url_login, data = form)
if r.status_code==200: #server OK
     response_data = json.loads(r.text)
     logged_in = 'logged_in' in response_data.keys()
         # if logged_in == True  -  session is authorized, so use 
 session.post/get ...  to request api

#in api 
def login():
    response.view = 'generic.json'
   user = request.vars.username
   password = request.vars.password
      if auth.login_bare(user, password):
            return dict(logged_in = 'yes')

# auth.requires_login()  redirects to login form, but it's redundant for 
# instead of auth.requires_login() you can write your own simple decorator:
def api_requires_login(f):
    if auth.is_logged_in():
        return f
    raise HTTP(401) # or return something

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 8:05:36 PM UTC+3, Carlos A. Armenta Castro 
> Hola Leandro, te escribo en español porque al ver tu nombre me parece que 
> hablas castellano, corrigeme si me equivoco y te lo escribo en ingles, 
> El lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017, 7:14:00 (UTC-7), Leandro Sebastian 
> Salgueiro escribió:
> I added then the requires_login to api controller and then i test both 
>> URLs independently from browser, it works ok (login to web2py ->  go to 
>> /api/apps -> get my results) however if I do the GET request using 
>> requests.get from default controller i get a* Non Authorized *message 
>> and redirect to login form.
> En este caso en tu código:
> def index():
>     import requests
>     json = requests.get(URL('api', 'apps', host=True))
> Lo que haces es iniciar otra sesión en tu misma APP pero no le estás 
> enviando las credenciales para el Login, yo entiendo que cada ves que 
> invocas a requests creas una nueva sesión entonces tienes que hacer Login 
> cada vez.
> Me parece un poco extraño lo que haces en tu código porque si ya estás 
> firmado no se porque buscas firmarte nuevamente. Te recomiendo abordar el 
> problema de una manera distinta. Web2Py es Roca Solida en cuando a 
> seguridad, no deberías preocuparte por problemas de seguridad una vez que 
> ya estás firmado en tu App.
> Si necesitas seguridad Extra para tu APP, entonces te recomiendo usar JWT 
> Tokens con Web2Py http://web2py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools.html
> jwt()[source] 
>> <http://web2py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/gluon/tools.html#Auth.jwt>
>> To use JWT authentication: 1) instantiate auth with:
>> auth = Auth(db, jwt = {'secret_key':'secret'})
>> where ‘secret’ is your own secret string.
>>    1. 
>>    Decorate functions that require login but should accept the JWT token 
>>    credentials:
>>    @auth.allows_jwt()@auth.requires_login()def myapi(): return 'hello %s' % 
>> auth.user.email
>> Notice jwt is allowed but not required. if user is logged in, myapi is 
>> accessible.
>>    1. Use it!
>> Now API users can obtain a token with
>> http://.../app/default/user/jwt?username=...&password=....
>> (returns json object with a token attribute) API users can refresh an 
>> existing token with
>> http://.../app/default/user/jwt?token=...
>> they can authenticate themselves when calling http:/.../myapi 
>> <http://web2py.readthedocs.io/.../myapi> by injecting a header
>> Authorization: Bearer <the jwt token>
>> Saludos y suerte con tu APP. 
> HI,
>> I have two controllers on the same app:
>> TestApp
>> |
>> |---default.py
>> |---api.py
>> api is a restful service that will call other services. For security 
>> reasons I would like that all call to these services are passed by the api 
>> restful. (it will work like a proxy in this case)
>> I did try the following :
>> in default.py :
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def index():
>>     import requests
>>     json = requests.get(URL('api', 'apps', host=True))
>>     return {"json": json.content}
>> in api.py:
>> import requests
>> apps_url = 'http://localhost:8091/apps'
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> @request.restful()
>> def apps():
>> response.view = 'generic.json'
>> def GET(*args,**vars):
>> r = requests.get(apps_url)
>> return r
>> return dict(GET=GET)
>> If i test this without the api's login decorator everything works fine. 
>> However I can access this restful from anywhere else... 
>> I added then the requires_login to api controller and then i test both 
>> URLs independently from browser, it works ok (login to web2py ->  go to 
>> /api/apps -> get my results) however if I do the GET request using 
>> requests.get from default controller i get a* Non Authorized *message 
>> and redirect to login form.
>> what i'm missing here? i thought that if I was in the same app, auth 
>> session would be shared among different controllers... 
>> any hint on this would be the most welcomed..
>> Thanks in advanced.
>> Leandro

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