It happened on any request. Thanks for your feedback.

I noticed that the app runs without errors when it's called from the admin 
page (https).
So I found the only relevant difference between Apache's http and https 

<VirtualHost *:8001>
    *WSGIDaemonProcess web2py* 
    WSGIProcessGroup  web2py
    WSGIScriptAlias   /      /opt/web2py/

<VirtualHost *:443>
    WSGIProcessGroup web2py
    WSGIScriptAlias  /      /opt/web2py/

*WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data*

<VirtualHost *:8001>
    WSGIProcessGroup  web2py
    WSGIScriptAlias   /      /opt/web2py/

As far as I remember, web2py's configuration used to be just like I showed 
you here.
I just confirmed that, on the (very old) web2py 2.3.2 setup script.
Mine is a very old web-server, so was this apache conf.

After upgrading web2py to a newer version, should I always check the setup 
script for any changes to Apache conf?
At installation instructions only tells you to unzip after 

Great framework, though.

On Friday, 22 December 2017 12:53:48 UTC, Luís Guilherme F wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm getting this error on a server with Apache 2.2 / Ubuntu 12.04, which 
> doesn't happen on a box with Apache 2.4 / Ubuntu 16.04 (both now with 
> web2py 2.16.1):
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/", line 434, in wsgibase
>     session.connect(request, response)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/", line 1000, in connect
>     session_pickled = pickle.dumps(self, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/", line 52, in <lambda>
>  __getnewargs__ = lambda self: getattr(dict,self).__getnewargs__(self)
> TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string
> (...)
> File /opt/web2py/gluon/ in <lambda> at line 56 code arguments 
> variables
> Function argument list
> (self=<Storage {}>)
> Version
> 2.16.1-stable+timestamp.2017.
> (Running on Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu), Python 2.7.3)
> I've updated Web2py from 2.14.6 to 2.16.1 but still get the error.
> First overwriting the previous version, and now in a new folder.
> I'm trying to solve this for a few days now.
> This app should be deployed for production on this Apache 2.2 server, and 
> I'm stuck with these errors.
> Any help would be most welcome
> Luís

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