On 12/03/2018 15:08, Anthony wrote:

    What if I cache on disk the result of a function that returns the
    session id and I check if it corresponds to the real value?

Not sure what you mean. Where does the session ID produced by the function come from, and how is the "real value" defined? What are you suggesting different from Massimo's approach.


Hi Anthony,
thanks for your replay, I read the message from Massimo now and I realize that I misunderstood something... Massimo said to create a uuid and store it in database. I thought that `session.id` could be used instead and it could be considered as a "real value" or better as the real current session identifier. That's the check I was thinking about:

if session.id != cache.disk('session_id_%s' % user.id, lambda: session.id, time_expire=3600):

On the other hand I'm not sure that not to perform a database select query on every request but use the filesystem it's a better choice. Is it?


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