Leonel's suggestion worked but I had to set the key within headers 
dictionary and column name within column lists of SQLTABLE to 

'''GROUP_CONCAT("RISCHI"."rischio", \', \')'''

However, it seems to me that pyDal accepts SQL strings but it is SQLTABLE 
that doesn't handle them as before. So I have two questions.

1) If pyDal regularly returns the rows of a select containing a SQL string, 
why doesn't SQLTABLE - which should just serialize these in a view - accept 

2) since the problem is generated by the following line

tablemap = dict(((f.tablename, f.table) if isinstance(f, Field) else (f.
_table._tablename, f._table) for f in fieldmap.values()))

In the SQLTABLE class is it doable  to apply the Leonel suggested code or 
to make a fallback to the old working code when f._table is None ?

Thank you for your attention.

Il giorno giovedì 15 marzo 2018 16:02:32 UTC+1, Anthony ha scritto:
> On Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 7:59:42 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:
>> I'm going to say it outright I don't think this should be supported.
>> I don't think this should be considered a backwards compatibility 
>> problem, because you're not using the DAL API you're just sending SQL in a 
>> string.
> Agreed, it's not strictly a backward compatibility issue. Therefore, we 
> don't necessarily need to restore the old functionality exactly (i.e., 
> allow SQL strings to be passed to .select() and expect SQLTABLE to display 
> the results), but it would be good to provide some means of achieving 
> similar results.
>> from pydal.objects import Expression
>> dialect = db._adapter.dialect
>> def group_concat(first, second, query_env={}):
>>     return "GROUP_CONCAT(%s, '%s')" % (dialect.expand(first, query_env), 
>> second)
>> rischi_della_mansione = Expression(db, group_concat, db.RISCHI.id, ', ', 
>> 'string')
>> We need to define that the proper way to put custom SQL mixed with DAL 
>> code is using Expression and document how to use it. SQL in strings isn't 
>> acceptable, for that you use executesql.
> The above is not part of the DAL public API either, and it is a rather 
> cumbersome way to add custom SQL to a select. So, rather than simply 
> documenting the above, it would be better if we could come up with a 
> simplified API for adding custom SQL expressions to both queries  (i.e., 
> "WHERE" clauses) and selects. In the short term, I suppose we could 
> document the above as a workaround, but I'm not sure we want to commit to 
> that as a public API that must be supported indefinitely (we then lose the 
> freedom to change any of those exposed internal implementation details).
> Anthony

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