On Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 2:37:37 PM UTC-4, Vash wrote:
> say I have a table
> db.define_table('mytable',
>                Field('is_public', 'boolean', default=False),
>                 )
> I want to toggle this to true if user clicked on the icon
> if request.args(0) is not None:
> q = ((db.checklists.user_email == auth.user.email) & (db.checklists.id == 
> request.args(0)))
> row=db(q).select().first()
> row.update_record(is_public=not is_public)
> would this work?

You've got the code, so can't you test it? Does it not do what you are 
expecting? Without more context, it's hard to say, though from what you 
have shown, the "is_public" variable is not defined. Perhaps you meant to 
use row.is_public. Alternatively, you could do is_public=not 
db.checklists.is_public, which will reverse whatever the current value is.


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