I'm using web2py and now I'm fetching all calendar events from db using 
this code in a view:

events: [
    {{for row in rowseventi:}}
            title: '{{=row.evento.titolo}}',
            id: '{{=row.evento.id}}',
            resourceId: '{{=row.evento.risorsa}}',
            start: '{{=row.evento.inizio}}',
            end: '{{=row.evento.fine}}',
            recurring: '{{=row.evento.ricorrenza}}',
            // allDay: false,
            color : '{{=row.evento.colore}}',
            url: '{{=URL('mostra_evento',args=row.evento.id)}}',

It's working perfectly but now I'd like to fetch only events regarding 
current view using this function 

function( start, end, timezone, callback ) { }

There are some example using php but I want only use python and PyDAL. Can 
someone give me some examples using only python and javascript?

rowseventi it's an array retrieved from controller that contains all 

When I change the view with "next", "prev" or something else I'd like to 
fetch the new events based on the dates showed in the view.

Thank you

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