
Thanks very much for this - it's really helpful.

I use apache/postgres on production servers but it will take me a very long 
time to upload such a big file to those [remote] servers, so I was testing 
locally. Based on your experience, I think my issue is probably just due to 
the limitations of rocket, so I won't sweat it. ;)


On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 3:41:29 PM UTC-6, Dave S wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 9:31:04 AM UTC-7, Jordan Ladora wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I just noticed that uploading files up to around 120mb using a simple 
>> form (crud.create) and model works reliably using the default setup on 
>> linux (sqlite and rocket). But when trying to upload files around 500mb, 
>> while the file always goes correctly to the upload folder, the db insert 
>> only occurs around 25% of the time, maybe even less.. basically sometimes 
>> it works but usually it doesn't.
>> The sizes of 120mb and 500mb are just the big files I happened to have. I 
>> haven't gone through and tested up to what file size it is when things stop 
>> working reliably.
>> Was wondering if anyone had a similar experience?
>> TY!
> -jl
> First question:  what's uploading the file (what browser or client is 
> being used)?  
> Also, I used to use Rocket on a low-traffic production server running on 
> AWS linux, but had occasional issues with big files, especially from a 
> Windows client using WinInet calls.  The issue was at least in part the 
> signalling of the end of transfer; the client generally got finished and 
> went back to minding its own business while the server sat around waiting 
> for completion, and eventually timing out.  I also had problems with the 
> system breaking after an update of my LetsEncrypt certificates (I don't 
> think I figured out what broke).
> For those reasons, I switched to NginX, and have been very happy.  Basic 
> setup is quite easy (the sample installation scripts were pretty close to 
> what I did -- I cribbed heavily from them; for AWS it was a matter of 
> combining part of the Ubunto with part of the Centos  scripts.
> For more detail on my experiences,
> <URL:>
> that connects to a thread about the Rocket server hanging (headlined as 
> "crash") in
> <URL:>
> In the client-happy-server-logs-a-timeout scenario, the file eventually 
> showed up in the download dir; I don't remember if the database entry was 
> completed.
> Rocket (in it's web2py fork) have been pretty stable for a long time, and 
> I think it is unlikely to get much maintenance until a security issue shows 
> up.
> /dps

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