I have 4 values that have to be calculated together to set a default value 
for the fifth value, 2 of the 4 values are date values but the problem is 
that calculating their difference leaves *days, 0:00:00* as part of the 
answer but i only want the value number they give, is there a way to strip 
away the *days, 0:00:00* from the date calculation answer so i could use 
the remaining value in my calculation and get the answer i want?

*Example Code*


*db.define_table('hotels',            Field('Hotel'),            
Field('Bookin', 'date'),            Field('Bookout', 'date'),            
Field('days', compute=lambda r: r['Bookout']-r['Bookin']),            
Field('guests', 'integer'),            Field('price', compute=lambda r: 



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