Hi. I am trying to allow the user to upload files using UI. If I cannot 
search their filesystem the user will have to upload documents on the 
machine where the server is run. That is not very helpful if UI is accessed 

On Sunday, January 6, 2019 at 9:26:13 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> The Python code is run on the server, so you cannot use it to check the 
> filesystem on the end user's computer. Further, for security reasons, the 
> browser will not allow you to directly read/access the user's filesystem. 
> What are you trying to do?
> Anthony
> On Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 1:16:37 PM UTC-5, wswi...@hawk.iit.edu 
> <javascript:> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have an upload field in my form. It works fine when I run it on the 
>> same machine as the web2py service. The issue comes when I run the service 
>> on the server and the UI on a different machine. The issue is the fact that 
>> existence of the file path I enter is checked on the server as opposed to 
>> the machine from where I try to upload the file. How do you fix it? This is 
>> the definition of the form I have:
>> list_dictionary_names = os.listdir(os.getcwd() + 
>> *'/applications/mcarriage_console/uploads/dictionaries'*)
>>     list_dictionary_types = list(set((i[:i.find(*'_'*)] if i[:i.find(
>> *'_'*)] == *'ITCR'* else i[:i.find(*'_D'*)].replace(*'_'*, *' '*))  for
>>  i in list_dictionary_names if i[0].isupper()))
>>     obj_admin = AdminClass(auth, db, session)
>>     alert_message = *'Process of uploading may take a few minutes. The 
>> file content is first inserted into MARS database. '*
>>     alert_message += *'Then content of the previously active file is 
>> checked for any updates. '*
>>     alert_message += *'If no changes were made the content of the 
>> previously file is removed '*
>>     alert_message +=  *'and the previously active data dictionary is set 
>> inactive.'*
>>     session.message = alert_message
>>     #obj_message = MessageDisplay(session.message)
>>     button_list = [INPUT(_type=*'submit'*, _value=*'Submit'*)]
>>     form = SQLFORM.factory(
>>                            Field(*'file_type'*,
>>                                  label = *'Dictionary Type'*,
>>                                  requires=IS_IN_SET([ i[
>> .select(db.DATA_DICTIONARIES.DICTIONARY_TYPE)] if len(db(
>> db.DATA_DICTIONARIES.ACTIVE_ID == *'A'*).select(
>> db.DATA_DICTIONARIES.DICTIONARY_TYPE)) > 4 else list_dictionary_types  ))
>> ,
>>                            Field(*'file_version'*,
>>                                  label = *'Dictionary Version'*,
>>                                  requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>                            Field(*'file_directory'*,
>>                                  label = *'File Path'*,
>>                                  _type = *'string'*,
>>                                  requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()
>>                                  #uploadfield=False,
>>                                  #uploadfolder
>> =os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads/')
>>                                  ),
>>                            #Field('file', 'upload', requires = IS_LENGTH(
>> minsize=0, maxsize=1048576, error_message='File is too huge.')),
>>                           buttons = button_list
>>                           )

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