With regards to validation considering the scope of the app i'm working on, 
i will be using @auth.requires_login() to control and restrict who does 
what but thanks for bringing up digitally signed URL, i will be looking 
extensively in to that, its an interesting topic.

I have changed my code, i have been specific with my ID:
if db(db.invoice.id == request.args(0, cast=int)).delete():
It does the deleting but the thing is it deletes the items that appear in 
my invoice one at a time, if i have 10 items i have to keep clicking the 
delete link 10 times until the invoice is no more but it would be great if 
i could be able to erase all the 10 items by clicking once, more like if i 
were using this
if db(db.invoice.id > 0).delete():
 but only specific to only one invoice for the selected client and not 
erasing everything in the database

On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 12:05:15 AM UTC+2, Anthony wrote:
> On Monday, January 7, 2019 at 2:06:43 AM UTC-5, mostwanted wrote:
>> My delete function is not working, I think I am doing doing something 
>> wrong but i'm not sure where, I thought the code below would get me home 
>> but nothing is happening, nothing is getting deleted! Please advice:
>> def deleteInvoice():
>>     query=db.invoice(request.args(0, cast=int))
>>     remove=db(db.invoice.customer==query.id).delete()
> Again, the first line serves no purpose, as it is simply used to retrieve 
> the ID that you already have. Just do:
>     if db(db.invoice.customer == request.args(0, cast=int)).delete():
>         redirect(URL('registeredClients'))
> If that's not working, presumably request.args(0) is not the value of any 
> "customer" in the db.invoice table, so your bug lies in the code that 
> produces the URL that leads here.
> Also, it doesn't look like your code does any validation to determine if 
> the user is allowed to delete all of these customer invoices. You should 
> probably confirm that the customer ID submitted is the customer ID of the 
> current user (you could use a digitally signed URL, a session variable, or 
> do a lookup).
> Anthony

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