I am happy to announce that i was able to resolve this issue (smiles):

*<script>$(document).ready(function(){$('.branch1').click(function() {const 
id = $(this).data('id'); // Extract the data-id attribute of the link.var 
hiddenSection = *

*$('#' + id);hiddenSection.fadeIn().css({ 'display':'block' }).css({ 
top:($(window).height() - hiddenSection.height())/2 + 
'px',left:($(window).width() - hiddenSection.width())/2 + 'px' }).css({ 
'background-color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)' 
$(hiddenSection).fadeOut(); });});});</script>*

Initially the hiddenSection variable was set to a containing #div called* 
#ours*, i removed that div and set the hiddenSection variable to 
*$('#' + id)like below as it is also demonstrated in my code above*
*var hiddenSection = *
*$('#' + id);*
Now my link is working properly, it no longer has a large opaque window in 
the background! But i do get my modal window displaying what i want!


On Friday, January 11, 2019 at 8:22:50 AM UTC+2, mostwanted wrote:
> My task I want to believe is fairly simple but something is wrong in my 
> code, I am attempting to incorporate something I learned from Anthony into 
> a small idea I have but its going side ways. I have names from a database 
> displayed as links, what i want is for the details of those names to be 
> displayed in a modal window when i click on the name but something is wrong 
> here, when i click on a name at first it displays correct information but 
> when i click on it again it displays the information of the second link, if 
> i click on the 6th link name it displays the details of the 3rd name, this 
> beats the entire purpose now, I want to be able to get the details of the 
> exact name that is clicked whenever it is clicked.
> Here is a simple code to illustrate my problem, i have put up everything 
> so anyone wanting to assist me could see exactly what the code looks like 
> but the problem itself is in the view:
> *db.define_table('person',                Field('name'),                
> Field('surname'),                Field('age', 'integer'),                
> Field('home'),               )*
> *def clients():    people=db(db.person).select(db.person.ALL)    return 
> locals()*
> *VIEW*
> *{{extend 
> 'layout.html'}}<script>$(document).ready(function(){$('#ours').hide();$('.branch1').click(function()
> {$(this).each(function(){const id = $(this).data('id'); // Extract the 
> data-id attribute of the link.$('#' + id).fadeIn(); // Select the contact 
> with that id.var hiddenSection = $('#ours');hiddenSection.fadeIn().css({ 
> 'display':'block' }).css({ width: $(window).width() + 'px', height: 
> $(window).height() + 'px' }).css({ top:($(window).height() - 
> hiddenSection.height())/2 + 'px',left:($(window).width() - 
> hiddenSection.width())/2 + 'px' }).css({ 'background-color': 
> 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)' }).appendTo('body');$('img#close').click(function(){ 
> $(hiddenSection).fadeOut(); });});});});</script>{{for clients in 
> people:}}<a href="#" class="branch1" data-id="{{=clients.id 
> <http://clients.id>}}">{{=clients.name <http://clients.name>}}</a> 
> {{=clients.surname}}<br /><div id="ours"><article class="gae" 
> id="{{=clients.id <http://clients.id>}}"><a href="#"><img 
> src="{{=URL('static', 'images/close.png')}}" style="width: 30px; position: 
> absolute; top:0px;right:0px;" id="close"/></a>DETAILS<br 
> />{{=clients.age}}<br /></article></div>{{pass}}*Mostwanted

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