Hi Guys,

i am able to connect to our MSSQL Database with the following command:

*cnxn = 

*(By the way: We use FreeTDS as Driver but i removed it from this example)*

If i use the PyDAL with this String:


The Regex in the ...*pydal/adapters/mssql.py *parses the values to this 
form. Which is then handled by the *connect()* function:


This is not working with our database. And i get the following error 

*OperationalError: ('08S01', u'[08S01] [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL 
Server]Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist 
(20009) (SQLDriverConnect)')*

1) After several attempts, we figured out, that the Regex should put the 
*dbinstance*  after the dbhost in the *"SERVER=" *Key instead of 
2) If no Port ist provided like here : 
* the Port 1433 is set as Default: *PORT=1433. *This is not working in our 
case. There must be no* "PORT="* Key provided. 

Could you fix this in the *mssql.*py?

Best Regards

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