I needed a IS_IN_DB() validator based on joined tables with the id coming 
from one
table and the label coming from both tables, since I did not get this to 
work I tried:

table.labelIDs.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(IS_IN_SET([(r.ntw_edge_label_set.id, 
'%s' %str(r.vtx_vertex.name + ' - ' +  r.ntw_edge_label_set.myLabel)) for r 
in rows], multiple=(0, 6), zero='Select a value'))

This works but in my opinion this is rather ugly:

'%s' %str(r.vtx_vertex.name + ' - ' +  r.ntw_edge_label_set.myLabel)) for r 
in rows

Is there a way to improve this code?

Kind regards,


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