I only get the h1 Hello World in the browser, but I struggle to pass over 
values to the templates with yatl

is context=(rows=rows) the correct way?

See the last return statement. 

The print command outputs "Chair" as expected. 

The HTML file should output 

Hello! Chair

from flask import Flask
from yatl import render, SPAN
app = Flask(__name__)

from pydal import DAL, Field
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.db')
db.define_table('thing', Field('name'))
query = db.thing.name.startswith('C')

def hello():
    rows = db(query).select()
    example = """
<h1> hello! {{rows[0].name}} </h1>
{{ pass }}
    print (rows[0].name)
    return render(example,context=dict(rows=rows), delimiters="{{ }}")


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