what if you do not user tornado and replace

bottle.run(server='tornado', host=host, port=int(port))


bottle.run(host=host, port=int(port))

it is very strange. Please try test the reloader module on its own.

On Friday, 17 May 2019 23:09:49 UTC-7, 黄祥 wrote:
> Does it print this when you press [reload]?
> yes it is
> $ ./web3py-start apps
>  _______  ____________  ____  ______  __ 
> |  ____/ / / ____/ __ |/___ \/ __ \ \/ / 
> | |     / / /_  / /_/ /___/ / /_/ /\  / 
> | | /| / / __/ / __  //__  / ____/ / / 
> | |/ |/ / /___/ /_/ /___/ / / ____/ / 
> |___/|_/_____/_____/_____/_/ /_____/ 
> It is still experimental... 
> Dashboard is at: 
> [OK] loaded _dashboard      
> [OK] loaded _scaffold      
> [OK] loaded examples      
> [OK] loaded myapp      
> [OK] loaded superheroes      
> [OK] loaded todo      
> Bottle v0.12.16 server starting up (using TornadoServer())... 
> Listening on 
> Hit Ctrl-C to quit. 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /myapp/static/favicon.ico ( 
> 2.32ms 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /examples/static/favicon.ico ( 
> 2.35ms 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /todo/static/favicon.ico ( 2.07ms 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /_scaffold/static/favicon.ico ( 
> 1.89ms 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /superheroes/static/favicon.ico ( 
> 1.65ms 
> WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 1.57ms 
> [OK] reloaded _dashboard      
> [OK] reloaded _scaffold      
> [OK] reloaded examples      
> [OK] reloaded myapp      
> [OK] reloaded superheroes      
> [OK] reloaded todo
> but 
> - 'routes for <my_app>'
> - edit or add new function on web apps
> is not work
> best regards,
> stifan 

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