On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 4:42:52 PM UTC-7, Dave S wrote:
> On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 4:11:25 PM UTC-7, Quang Lam wrote:
>> Hi Dave, if i set the mode field to readable false and writable true, how 
>> i can display the mode field in the view page. i know we can make it 
>> temporarily readable true but i dont know how.
>> Please help. 
> I'm going to wait to answer until I  can access a system that isn't at the 
> same site I am right now.
Here's what I tried:

I took an existing form, and in the controller that displays and processes 
it, I set db.mytble.PostDate.default=datetime.date(2001,07,14) and 
db.mytble.PostDate.writable = false.  (It isn't set that way in the 
define_table()).   The form displays the current date, but as a string and 
not as an input box.  I submit the form, and in the accept branch I do:

if form.process().accepted:
   print form.vars
   set form.vars.PostDate to request.now.date()
   thisrow - db(mytable.id == form.vars.id).select().first()
   thisrow.update_record(PostDate = form.vars.PostDate)

After submitting, I look at the console and see that form.vars does not 
include form.vars.PostDate.  I use appadmin to check the database, and I 
find that the current date is recorded in the database.in the new row.

And in case there is a difference in the enforcement of writable, I did do 
a quick check of setting writable = False in the define_table(Field()).  No 
difference that I could see.

Caveat:  I did this with 2.14.6; it's a site only visible on my localhost, 
so I've been slow to update.  I do have 2.18.x installed on the same 
machine, but I haven't moved my apps over yet.


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