> Ideas about how to ship apps when pip installing web3py?

pardon, for current stage, can not, because you must:
- clone web3py repo
- run python3 setup.py install
- then successfull install pip3 install web3py
which imo inefficient
detail tested on previous messages 
*ref (tests 5 works):*

just an idea, perhaps if you've fixed pypi modules, think, user can either 
extract the webapps (zip or tar) or clone the opened repo url, then execute 
*e.g. for extracted*
mkdir ~/apps
touch ./apps/__init__.py
cd ~/apps
unzip client_a.zip
python3 -c "from pydal.validators import CRYPT; 
open('password.txt','w').write(str(CRYPT()('a' )[0] ) )"
/usr/local/bin/web3py-start -p ./password.txt -a ./apps

*e.g. for git*
mkdir ~/apps
touch ./apps/__init__.py
cd ~/apps
git clone http://github.com/user/client_b
python3 -c "from pydal.validators import CRYPT; 
open('password.txt','w').write(str(CRYPT()('a' )[0] ) )"
/usr/local/bin/web3py-start -p ./password.txt -a ./apps

- after it's successufl installed pip3 install web3py, consider there is no 
_dashboard, so can't pack or unpack just like in web2py using appadmin
- not sure is it a bug or in dev progress, but for me, must initialy create 
__init__.py on apps folder is inefficient, the problem if just an error 
traceback we can ignore it, but the problem is the web server won't start, 
so not sure, as u can see, in latest docker step is also create that file 
to ensure that web server can run

best regards,

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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