I put lte-2.4.15  to py4web  and lte works  with controllers.py :

from py4web import action, request, abort, redirect, URL
from yatl.helpers import A
from . common import db, session, T, cache, auth

@action.uses('index.html', )
#@action.uses(Template('index.html', delimiters='[[ ]]'))
def index():
    message= "index.html"
    user= "first second third"
    return dict(message=message, user=user)
but does not works with :
from py4web import action, request, abort, redirect, URL , Template
error message:
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /lte2 ( 1.20ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /lte2 ( 1.55ms
WARNING:tornado.access:404 GET /favicon.ico ( 1.45ms

how to fix it ?

Is it possible to use some characters for delimiters, 
for example  delimiters='XXX YYYY' ?
what is limits for delimiters ?

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