I don’t quite understand what do you mean 'in cycle', do you want to 
include all images  in one html page?

to make img() more useful you can do this (for example)    

def img():
        id =request.args(0)
    if id: 
        row = db(db.recipes.id == id).select(db.recipes.IMAGE).first()
        if row:
                    return row.IMAGE.read()

def index():
    #show the first ten images
    img_list = DIV()
    rows = db().select(db.recipes.id, limitby = (0, 10))
    for row in rows:
        img_list.append(IMG(_src = URL('default', 'img', args = [row.id])))
    return dict(img_list = img_list)

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 7:47:41 PM UTC+3, Константин Комков wrote:
> *Val K*, that case is work!)
> def index():
>     image = XML('<img src="'+URL( 'default', 'img')+'" 
> class="card-img-top" alt="..."/>')
>     return dict(image=image)
> def img():
>     row = db().select(db.recipes.IMAGE).first()
>     if row:
>         return row.IMAGE.read()
> It seems very strange that return row.IMAGE.read() from img function work, 
> but URL( 'default', args=row.IMAGE.read()) don't work.
> I have not one image and get it in cycle. Are there variant use img 
> function for it?
> rows = db().select(db.recipes.IMAGE)
>     for row in rows:

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