Thanks for your input @villas but i can't change the link to an id because 
it already has a class is called *whatsapp *which is the one i am calling 
on the *click *function<a *class="whatsapp w3_whatsapp_btn ....>*


On Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 3:42:13 PM UTC+2, villas wrote:
> Not sure,  but maybe it is because you are using a class selector instead 
> of id.  
> In place of:
> $(document).on("click", '.whatsapp', function(e) {
> try:
> $(document).on("click", '#whatsapp', function(e) {
> On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 06:46:02 UTC+1, mostwanted wrote:
>> I am working on a house rental application, i want users to easily notify 
>> one another of places they know via whatsapp, i have written the 
>> functionality and this is how it should work:
>> Next to the rental amount is a whatsapp sharing link that when the user 
>> clicks it carries forward all the rental details to their desired contact 
>> but now the problem i am facing is that on my list of rentals the details 
>> of the first link are missing, the user can't share all of them but the 
>> following link is able to share all its details, i hope i am clear! I have 
>> a feeling this is caused by the for loop just dont know how to rectify it, 
>> here is my code below:
>> CODE:
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> <span style="font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0px; position: absolute;">{{=
>> breadcrumbs() }}</span>
>>       <script>
>>                         function goBack()
>>                         {
>>                             window.history.back();
>>                         }
>>                     </script>
>> <div id="goBack" style="position: absolute; right: 25px; color: white; 
>> font-weight: bold;" ><a href="javascript:history.back()" 
>> style="font-weight: bold;" id="back">BACK</a>
>> </div>
>> <br />
>> <div class="row">
>>     <div id="headfont4">
>>     Listed Rentals In Kanye & Surrounding Areas
>>     <span id="count"> <span class="number" style="color: white;">{{=
>> houseCount}}</span> available houses up for rent
>> </div>
>> </div>
>> <hr />
>>     <div class='row'>
>> <table>
>>    <tr>
>>        <th>HOUSE OWNER</th>
>>        <th>CELL NUMBER</th>
>>        <th>HOUSE DESCRIPTION</th>
>>        <th>LOCATION</th>
>>        <th>RENTAL AMOUNT</th>
>>    </tr>
>> {{for details in details:}}
>>     <script>
>> $(document).ready(function() {
>> var isMobile = {
>>     Android: function() {
>>         return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
>>     },
>>     BlackBerry: function() {
>>         return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
>>     },
>>     iOS: function() {
>>         return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
>>     },
>>     Opera: function() {
>>         return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
>>     },
>>     Windows: function() {
>>         return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
>>     },
>>     any: function() {
>>         return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.
>> iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows());
>>     }
>> };
>>  $(document).on("click", '.whatsapp', function(e) {
>>      //const id = $(this).data('id'); // Extract the data-id attribute 
>> of the link.
>>         if( isMobile.any() ) {
>>             var text = $(this).attr("data-text");
>>             //var url = $('#' + id).attr("data-link");
>>             var message =text;
>>             var whatsapp_url = "whatsapp://send?text=" + message + "C/O 
>> SESOA&trade";
>>             window.location.href = whatsapp_url;
>>         } else {
>>             alert("This is only shareable on mobile devices!");
>>           }
>>      e.preventDefault();
>>     });
>> });
>> </script>
>>     <tr>
>>         <td>
>>        <div id="orgIcon3">{{=A(details.Surname, _href=URL('show', args=[
>>]))}} {{=details.Name}}</div><br />
>>         </td>
>>         <td>{{=details.Cell_Number}}</td>
>>         <td>{{=details.description}}</td>
>>         <td>{{=details.located_at}}</td>
>>                                           <!--THE WHATSAPP LINK FOR 
>>         *<td>{{=details.amount}}<div id="whatsapp"><a href="#" 
>> data-id="{{ <>}}" class="whatsapp 
>> w3_whatsapp_btn w3_whatsapp_btn_large" data-text="Owner: {{=details.Name}} 
>> {{=details.Surname}}%0ACell: {{=details.Cell_Number}}%0AHouse Description: 
>> {{=details.description}}%0ALocation: {{=details.located_at}}%0ARent: 
>> {{=details.amount}}%0A" data-link=" 
>> <>">Share Details On Whatsapp</a></div></td>*
>>         {{pass}}
>>     </tr>
>> {{pass}}
>> </table>
>>     </div>
>>  Regards
>> Mostwanted

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