*Add and edit button links are created incorrectly when de grid is inside 
another view. With the smartgrid works ok.*

*Add button link*
Return None

*Should be*

*Edit button link*
Return None

*Should be*

def index():

    if request.args(0) == 'forma_pago':
        grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.forma_pago, csv=False, user_signature=False, 
details=False, advanced_search=False)
        return dict(grid=grid, enc='Formas de Pago')

    if request.args(0) == 'vendedores':
        grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.vendedores, csv=False, user_signature=False, 
details=False, advanced_search=False)
        return dict(grid=grid, enc='Vendedores')

    if request.args(0) == 'tipo_documento':
        grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.tipo_documento, csv=False, 
user_signature=False, details=False, advanced_search=False)
        return dict(grid=grid, enc='Tipos de Documento')

    if request.args(0) == 'situacion_iva':
        grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.situacion_iva, csv=False, 
user_signature=False, details=False, advanced_search=False)
        return dict(grid=grid, enc='Situaciones IVA')


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

<div class="breaker"></div>
<h4 >
{{=A('FORMAS PAGO'    , _href=URL('tablas_grales','index', 
args='forma_pago')    , _class="btn btn_secondary")}}
{{=A('VENDEDORES'     , _href=URL('tablas_grales','index', 
args='vendedores')    , _class="btn btn_secondary")}}
{{=A('TIPOS DOCUMENTO', _href=URL('tablas_grales','index', 
args='tipo_documento'), _class="btn btn_secondary")}}
{{=A('SITUACION IVA'  , _href=URL('tablas_grales','index', 
args='situacion_iva') , _class="btn btn_secondary")}}

<div class="breaker"></div>


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