I am lost for words & a-little infuriated at this point, a formula that has 
been working & is working in other applications is not working today when 
applied to another app!!
I am simply trying to get the number of days from the given dates but the 
formula gives a NONE value! But i have applied it in the same as in other 
apps, no changes at all!

from datetime import datetime

                Field('customer', 'reference Client_Details',writable=False, 
label=SPAN('Customer', _style="font-weight: bold;")),
                Field('client_order', label=SPAN("Item", _style="font-weight: 
bold;"), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                Field('loaning_date', 'date', label=SPAN('Date Loaned', 
_style="font-weight: bold;"), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                Field('returning_date', 'date', label=SPAN('Date Returned', 
_style="font-weight: bold;"), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
                Field('daysLoaned', 'integer', compute=lambda r: (datetime.
strptime(r['returning_date'], '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(r[
'loaning_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')).days))
The highlited field saves a None value which is not what i am trying get!!

Please help!


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