On Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 2:37:29 PM UTC-8, Davidiam wrote:
> As part of our release process, we need to insert records in the auth 
> tables using specific id's.  On sqlite this is no problem, but in mssql we 
> get an error saying insert_identity is off.
> The solution is to set insert_identity ON, but I am not sure how to do 
> this using the web2py DAL.  Can any give me an code example for this?
> We are basically inserting user and group records using ids from a master 
> table.
> This is the command that I would need to run before doing the inserts :
> SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.auth_user ON;   
> Thanks, 
> David 

I can't, because I'm using a different DB, but I remember thinking at the 
time of your earlier post about IDs that ... this is wrong.  I think your 
process should be using *roles*, not *ID*s, and this is what the auth_group 
table is for.  Perhaps if I understood your process, I would agree that 
relying on specific IDs is the right answer, but it is going to take some 
effort to convince me.


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