They they should be added

@autneticated and @unauthenticated are defined in

The @unauthenticated  decorator automatically applys fixtures: db, auth, 
session, T. exposes the action with user /{function_name} and defaults to 
template {function_name}.html (very much like web2py does)

@authenticated is the same but requires login.

@authenticated.button("click me")
def f(a,b,c): print(a,b,c)

crate a button factory f which you can embed in code with [[=f(1,2,3)]] it 
generates a <button onclick="....">click me</button> than when clicked 
calls via ajax POST the function f defined in python and passes a=1, b=2, 

Notice that this API is still work in progress. Works but it is not 
documented because we may change it.


On Thursday, 13 February 2020 14:50:17 UTC-8, Luca wrote:
> What do @authenticated and @unauthenticated do? 
> Can they be added to the documentation? 
> In particular I don't understand 
> # define a button that make the following serverside POST callback
> @unauthenticated.button("click me")
> def a_button(msg):
>     print("you clicked the button and server received:", msg)
> Thanks! 
> Luca
> Luca
> On Friday, January 31, 2020 at 8:55:11 PM UTC-8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I committed some new code to py4web
>> Now you can do:
>> from . common import authenticated, unauthenticated # from latest 
>> _scaffold
>> # exposes index as /{app_name}/index and uses index.html or generic.html 
>> template, auth.user, db, T, session
>> @authenticated()
>> def index():
>>       return dict()
>> # GET only
>> @authenticated.get()
>> def index():
>>       return dict()
>> # exposes /{app_name}/index/<a>/<b>/<c>
>> @authenticated.get()
>> def index(a,b,c):
>>       return dict()
>> # more explicit
>> @authenticated.get("index/<a:int>/<b:int>/<c:re:.*>)
>> def index(a,b,c):
>>       return dict()
>> Some magic
>> # define a button that make the following serverside POST callback
>> @unauthenticated.button("click me")
>> def a_button(msg):
>>     print("you clicked the button and server received:", msg)
>> # expose a page that displays the button which - onclick - makes the 
>> ballback
>> @unauthenticated.get()
>> def show_a_button():
>>     return dict(mybutton = a_button(msg="hello world"))
>> Thoughts? Should we keep this API? Can we improve it?

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