I am facing a little challenge here, I was able to remove some fields as I 
wanted from the SQLFORM.grid because I just wanted to use it Edit field 
alone & so i wanted it alone to be visible.

grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.professionalsummary.posted_by==user.id, editable=True
, deletable=False, user_signature=True,create=False, details=False, 
exportclasses=dict(export=False, xml=False, html=False, json=False, csv=
False, tsv=False, tsv_with_hidden_cols=False, csv_with_hidden_cols=False))
    grid[0][1][0][0] = ' ' #remove search field
    #grid[0][1][0][1] = '' #remove search button
    grid[0][1][0][2] = '' #remove clear button

But now when I click on the edit button for the field I want to edit I get 
an error:

<type 'exceptions.IndexError'> list index out of range

Whats causing this error & how can I fix it??



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