I have decided to make rows a session variable but I am not sure if this is 
a good idea!

def search():
    form = SQLFORM.factory(
    Field("start_date", type="date"),
    Field("end_date", type="date"))
    if form.process().accepted:
        q = ((db.birthdays.bornday >= form.vars.start_date) 
<= form.vars.end_date))
*        session.rows **= db(q).select()*
    return locals()

I have a bad experience in the past with sessions when they start giving 
the NoneType error out of the blue!! Please please if someone has a better 
way of solving my problem please assist! What I want is to use the {{ rows 
}}  variable in another function like calling it in another function but I 
cant in web2py, i am getting an error, maybe i'm doing it wrong, show me 
how to do it.



On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 1:10:34 AM UTC+2, mostwanted wrote:
> I figured it out, initially I was getting an error, it told me that I can 
> not split the date, then i did this:
> def search():
>     form = SQLFORM.factory(
>     Field("start_date", type="date"),
>     Field("end_date", type="date"))
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         q = ((db.birthdays.bornday >= form.vars.start_date) &(db.birthdays
> .birthday <= form.vars.end_date))
>         rows = db(q).select()
>     return locals()
> & it worked, but now I am facing a-little challenge, I want to use the 
> results of *{{ rows }} *in another function called clients, how can i do 
> that?
> Regards;
> Mostwanted
> On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 12:05:15 AM UTC+2, Clemens wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is your problem receiving no result or the wrong result? How is the table 
>> definition of your birthday table and why is the birthday not just a field 
>> a corresponding person table?
>> Best regards
>> Clemens
>> On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 10:49:11 PM UTC+1, mostwanted wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use SQLFORM.factory to search by date but its failing, it 
>>> is somehow possible to that & i'm missing something?? If so where can i 
>>> rectify my code to give me results?
>>> def search():
>>>     form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('SEARCH', 'date')
>>>     if form.accepts(request):
>>>         tokens=form.vars.SEARCH.split()
>>>         query=reduce(lambda a,b:a&b, [db.birthdays.contains(k) for k in 
>>> tokens])
>>>         people=db(query).select(orderby=db.birthdays.Person)
>>>     else:
>>>         people=[]
>>>     return locals()
>>> Regards;
>>> Mostwanted

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