I have a theory about what's going on.

The implementation of Redis in web2py stores the keys in "buckets" or sets, 
and the name of those sets are stored in cache *with no expiration time* 
to the code documentation 
"all buckets are indexed in a fixed key that never expires"

For what I see, this is how web2py stores keys and buckets for a given 
appname:> SMEMBERS w2p:appname:___cache_set
 1) "w2p:appname:___cache_set:26319660"
 2) "w2p:appname:___cache_set:26377475"
 3) "w2p:appname:___cache_set:26336873"
 4) "w2p:appname:___cache_set:26318136"

Every key set can be accessed with the same command, for example:> SMEMBERS w2p:appname:___cache_set:26319660
 1) "w2p:cache:appname:url_logo_movil"
 2) "w2p:cache:appname:menu1"
 3) "w2p:cache:appname:url_imagen_default"
 4) "w2p:cache:appname:CT"
 5) "w2p:cache:appname:url_imagen_logo_newsletter"

At the other hand:

   - My Redis instance is configured to use no more than 20 GB of RAM, with 
   an eviction policy of "*allkeys-lru*", that is evict keys lest recently 
   - The *limit of 20gb has been reached* a few times in the past.

Accordingly to the Redis docs 
<https://redis.io/topics/lru-cache#eviction-policies>, one alternative to 
allkeys-lru is "*volatile-lru*". This option only evict keys that *have an 
expiration time*. So I deduce that *my confiuguration (allkeys-lru) evics 
keys no matter they have or not an expiration time*. And considering web2py 
sets the bucket names with keys that never expire, *my theory is that some 
keys storing the name of the buckets were evicted*. That's why my code 
doesn't find some keys that are still indeed cached: that's because my code 
does the search from bucket names.
That's my best guess.. 

Anyway, I'll try to adapt the code of my app that clears the cache of an 
application: I think I'll go for subprocess with a command like:

$ redis-cli --scan --pattern w2p:cache:appname:* | xargs redis-cli del

Any comment or suggestion will be much appreciated.
Warm regards,

El sábado, 29 de febrero de 2020, 20:19:29 (UTC-3), Lisandro escribió:
> I'm having some trouble with Redis and I thought some of you could 
> enlighten me :)
> I have a web2py instance running with several apps. 
> I have a Redis instance working as a cache, with maxmemory set to 20gb and 
> LRU eviction policy.
> Every application connects to the same Redis instance.
> One of those apps is the main one, from wich I perform some administrative 
> tasks like:
>  - getting a list of the cache keys of a specific app
>  - clearing all the cache keys of a specific app.
> In order to get the list of the keys cached by a specific app I use this 
> custom code:
> def get_cache_keys(application):
>     import re
>     result = []
>     regex = ':*'
>     prefix = 'w2p:%s' % application
>     cache_set = 'w2p:%s:___cache_set' % application
>     r = re.compile(regex)
>     buckets = redis_conn.smembers(cache_set)
>     if buckets:
>         keys = redis_conn.sunion(buckets)
>         for key in keys:
>             if r.match(str(key).replace(prefix, '', 1)):
>                 result.append(key)
>     return result
> In the other hand, if I need to clear all the cached keys of a specific 
> app, I get the key list (using the above funciton) and then iterate those 
> keys calling redis_conn.delete(key)
> I thought this was ok, but today I've found a problem: *I've found a key 
> that was generated by an app but it isn't returned by the code above*. 
> To be sure, I connected to Redis from the terminal and in fact I was able 
> to get the key and its value, but running the code above the key isn't 
> listed. I'v checked the TTL of the key and it is still valid. 
> It's not the only case: I've found several cases.
> For example, I have a web2py app called "transmedia".
> From redis-cli, I want to know the SETs (buckets) that web2py created to 
> store the keys of that specific app, so I run:
>> SMEMBERS w2p:transmedia:___cache_set
>  1) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383112"
>  2) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26384550"
>  3) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383115"
>  4) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383117"
>  5) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383436"
>  6) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383118"
>  7) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383113"
>  8) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383111"
>  9) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383495"
> 10) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383440"
> 11) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383170"
> 12) "w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26383116"
> Then I checked all those SETs to get all the keys stored by the app:
>> SMEMBERS w2p:transmedia:___cache_set:26384550
>  1) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo_movil"
>  2) "w2p:cache:transmedia:menu1"
>  3) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_default"
>  4) "w2p:cache:transmedia:CT"
>  5) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_logo_newsletter"
>  6) "w2p:cache:transmedia:html_head"
>  7) "w2p:cache:transmedia:menu0"
>  8) "w2p:cache:transmedia:TEMPLATE"
>  9) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_fondo_personalizado"
> 10) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_favicon"
> 11) "w2p:cache:transmedia:C"
> 12) "w2p:cache:transmedia:CONFIG"
> 13) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo_grande"
> 14) "w2p:cache:transmedia:html_body"
> 15) "w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo"
> There we can see *15 keys*. 
> All the other sets are "(empty list or set)".
> But here is the weird part: the application "transmedia" stored a key that 
> I don't see in the list: 
> *w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_publicidad_newsletter*
> Checking from redis-cli I can see that the key is still there and its TTL 
> is still valid:
>> GET w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_publicidad_newsletter
> "\x80\x02U\x00."
>> TTL w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_publicidad_newsletter
> (integer) 18711
> I can confirm this discrepancy if I perform a SCAN like this:
> $ redis-cli --scan --pattern w2p:cache:transmedia:*
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo_movil
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_favicon
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_fondo_personalizado
> w2p:cache:transmedia:TEMPLATE
> w2p:cache:transmedia:menu1
> w2p:cache:transmedia:html_head
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_logo_newsletter
> w2p:cache:transmedia:html_body
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo
> w2p:cache:transmedia:CT
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_logo_grande
> w2p:cache:transmedia:CONFIG
> w2p:cache:transmedia:C
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_publicidad_newsletter
> w2p:cache:transmedia:url_imagen_default
> w2p:cache:transmedia:menu0
> Notice the output now includes the *16 keys*, not 15.
> So why isn't the key listed when scanning all the SETS (buckets) that 
> web2py created for the app? Is there something wrong with my code?
> My main concern is about *clearing all the keys of a given app*. 
> Right now I can't trust that my code will delete all the keys, because the 
> function that gets the key list doesn't always include all the keys that 
> the app stored. 
> So another question: *is there a better way to delete all the keys cached 
> by an app?* 
> I thought I could use redis-cli from the commandline like this:
> $ redis-cli --scan --pattern w2p:cache:transmedia:* | xargs redis-cli del
> This would work, but in order to run it from within my main app I would 
> have to use subprocess.
> What do you think?

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