Hi Jim,

I've solved it as follows (for an additional field to select the 
corresponding business unit, here stored in a dictionary):

biz_unit = TR(TD(LABEL(T('Responsible'), XML('&nbsp&nbsp'))), \
TD(SELECT(_name='biz_unit', value='', *[OPTION(biz_unit_title, 
_value=biz_unit_dict[biz_unit_title]) \
for biz_unit_title in sorted(biz_unit_dict)])))
form[0].insert(-1, biz_unit)

Hope it helps!

Best regards

On Friday, May 1, 2020 at 5:53:36 PM UTC+2, Jim S wrote:
> Anyone have experience with using 'extra_fields' in a SQLFORM?
> Here is my code:
> def edit_demo():
>     response.view = 'producer/edit/edit_demo.load'
>     producer_id = request.get_vars.producer_id
>     producer = db(db.producer.id == producer_id).select().first()
>     form = None
>     if producer:
>         fields = ['name', 'address', 'city',
>                   'state', 'zip_code', 'primary_contact',
>                   'primary_phone', 'primary_email', 'secondary_contact',
>                   'secondary_phone', 'secondary_email', 'grade',
>                   'district']
>         extra_fields = []
>         for pt in db(db.producer_type.id > 0).select(orderby=db.
> producer_type.name):
>             if db((db.producer_producer_type.producer_type == pt.id) &
>                   (db.producer_producer_type.producer == producer.id)).
> select().first():
>                 has_producer_type = True
>             else:
>                 has_producer_type = False
>             extra_fields.append(Field(fieldname='pt%s' % pt.id,
>                                       type='boolean',
>                                       default=has_producer_type,
>                                       label=pt.name))
>         form = SQLFORM(db.producer, record=producer_id, fields=fields,
>                        showid=False, extra_fields=extra_fields,
>                        table_name='edit_demographics', formname=
> 'edit_demographics_form')
>         if form.process().accepted:
>             response.flash = None
>             url = URL('index', args=['edit', 'producer', producer_id], 
> user_signature=True, extension=False)
>             url += '&jump=demographics_jump'
>             redirect(url, client_side=True)
>     return dict(form=form, is_owner=is_owner, is_admin=is_admin)
> And it is giving me this error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 219, in restricted
>  exec(ccode, environment)
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/applications/connect/controllers/producer.py" 
> <>, 
> line 1621, in <module>
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 422, in <lambda>
>  self._caller = lambda f: f()
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/applications/connect/controllers/producer.py" 
> <>, 
> line 1609, in edit_demo
>  table_name='edit_demographics', formname='edit_demographics_form')
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/gluon/sqlhtml.py", line 1505, in __init__
>  default = record[fieldname]
>  File "/home/jim/dev/web2py/gluon/packages/dal/pydal/objects.py", line 145, 
> in __getitem__
>  raise KeyError(key)
> KeyError: 'pt3'
> I'm not understanding how to define extra_fields in this context.  In the 
> end, the form is supposed to look like the attached.  I'm trying to add the 
> checkboxes at the bottom of the form.  
> I have it all working with SQLFORM.factory but would prefer that I do it with 
> the base SQLFORM.  Thoughts?
> -Jim

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