>Perhaps you can +1 them on this feature request. 

> The zip_static_files.py utility in your web2py scripts directory will 
create gzipped versions of all your static files for you. 
However something goes wrong.

[user@vpsXX web2py]$ python web2py.py -S myapp -R 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "web2py.py", line 41, in <module>
    import gluon.widget
  File "/home/user/apps/web2py_folder/web2py/gluon/widget.py", line 27, in 
    from gluon.shell import die, run, test
  File "/home/user/apps/web2py_folder/web2py/gluon/shell.py", line 285
    exec(read_pyc(pycfile), _env)
SyntaxError: unqualified exec is not allowed in function 'run' it contains 
a nested function with free variables

Do you know why?
Il giorno sabato 24 ottobre 2020 alle 19:00:18 UTC+2 Jose C ha scritto:

> I requested gzip as well for a static media site (https) and they said:
> Our front-end Nginx server will not use gzip compression for requests 
>> served over HTTPS. This is by design as a mitigation for the BREACH 
>> exploit <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BREACH>.
>> We've an internal feature ticket open to consider making the mitigation 
>> optional for customers that don't need it. I will make a note of your 
>> inquiry there.
> Perhaps you can +1 them on this feature request.
> However, if you're serving your static files via web2py itself (and not 
> via a static app on another domain for speed) then web2py will send the .gz 
> file version of a requested asset if it exists.  For example, a request for 
> mysite.css comes in, web2py sends mysite.css.gz automatically if it exists, 
> else it sends mysite.css.
> The zip_static_files.py utility in your web2py scripts directory will 
> create gzipped versions of all your static files for you.
> HTH,

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