I apologize for that, i'm terrible at giving variables, my variable confuse 
me at times too, *sales.product.Quantity*  is the initial stock, its the 
Quantity in the *Products *table, different from the sold quantity in the 
*table (*sales.quantity*)

On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:22:15 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:

> Ok, here is what I would do in my template:
> <tbody>
> {{last_item_name=[]}}
> {{item_quantity = 0}}
> {{for sales in products:}}
> <tr>
>     {{if sales.product.name not in last_item_name:}}
>         <td>{{=sales.product.name}}</td>
>         {{last_item_name.append(sales.product.name)}}
>     {{else:}}
>         <td>&nbsp;</td>
>     {{pass}}
>     <td>{{=sales.product.Quantity}}</td>
>     {{item_quantity += sales.product.Quantity}}
>     <td>{{=item_quantity}}</td>
> </tr>
> {{pass}}
> </tbody>
> In my controller I'd go another step further and add an orderby to ensure 
> all products with the same name are in order and in the order of when they 
> were purchased. But, this probably means you need a left join as well.
> I started coding this, but then was confused by what your columns are 
> supposed to be.  From what I gathered,
> Name
> Quantity Sold for this sale
> Total quantity so far
> But now I'm not sure I'm right
> What does product.Quantity represent vs sales.quantity?
> -Jim
> On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 8:57:38 AM UTC-5 mostwanted wrote:
>> Hey Jim, thanks for your proposed solution,it worked as shown below, i 
>> hope this is how you imagined it but this works now the problem I still 
>> have &cant imagine is how I do the sum up of all of the item's purchase 
>> quantity, how would you go about it:
>>     products=db().select(db.sales.ALL)
>> *VIEW:*
>> <script>
>> $(function() { *//Script to hide the empty rows*
>>             $("table tr").each(function() {
>>     var cell = $.trim($(this).find('td').text());
>>     if (cell.length == 0){console.log('empty');
>>         $(this).addClass('nodisplay');
>>     }});});
>> </script>
>> <tbody>
>>                  {{last_item_name=[]}}
>>                 {{for sales in products:}}
>>                 <tr>
>>                     {{if sales.product.name not in last_item_name:}}
>>                     <td>{{=sales.product.name}}</td>
>>                     <td>{{=sales.product.Quantity}}</td>
>>                     <td>{{=sales.quantity}}</td>
>>                     {{last_item_name.append(sales.product.name)}}
>>                     {{else:}}
>>                     <td class="hideTd"> </td>
>>                     {{pass}}
>>                     {{pass}}
>>                 </tr>
>>                 </tbody>
>> On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 2:01:34 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:
>>> In the solution I proposed, I would create a variable in my template and 
>>> sum it as I looped through the records.
>>> It might help if you showed a visual example of what you're trying to 
>>> accomplish. I may be misunderstanding the question, and if so, giving bad 
>>> advice.
>>> -Jim
>>> On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 4:15:49 AM UTC-5 mostwanted wrote:
>>>> I am able to group them up using *(groupby) *e.g 
>>>> (*products=db().select(db.sales.ALL, 
>>>> orderby=db.sales.product.name <http://db.sales.product.name>, 
>>>> groupby=db.sales.product.name <http://db.sales.product.name>)*) but 
>>>> now I have a problem calculating the sum of each item's sold quantities.
>>>> On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 8:27:50 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:
>>>>> I have done this before, but not using SQLFORM.grid
>>>>> In a nutshell
>>>>> 1. Create table tag
>>>>> 2. create your table header
>>>>> 3. create a temp variable last_item_name and set to None
>>>>> 4. loop through all the data you're going to display
>>>>> 5. in the item_name column, check if the current item name is equal to 
>>>>> last_item_name - if it is, put blanks in that cell, if not, put the item 
>>>>> name
>>>>> 6. set last_item_name = current item name
>>>>> Not pretty or clever, more of a brute force way to get it to work.
>>>>> -Jim
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 9:56:28 AM UTC-5 Clemens wrote:
>>>>>> Have a look here:
>>>>>> http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#groupby-having
>>>>>> Combining this with:
>>>>>> http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#sum-avg-min-max-and-len
>>>>>> Is it what you need?
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Clemens
>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 4:44:11 PM UTC+2 mostwanted wrote:
>>>>>>> I have a sales database table that records items sold in a store, an 
>>>>>>> item can appear several times in the table having been sold several 
>>>>>>> times 
>>>>>>> or in different days. What i wanna do is display this information in an 
>>>>>>> html table in a view without the item names repeating also with the 
>>>>>>> sold 
>>>>>>> quantity summed up for every item that appears more than once, how can 
>>>>>>> i 
>>>>>>> achieve this?
>>>>>>> Regards

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