I was able to figure this out & this is how i did it:

    <th>ID Number</th>
    <th>Category 1</th>
    <th>Category 1 Premium</th>
    <th>Category 1 Benefits</th>
    <th>Category 2</th>
    <th>Category 2 Premium</th>
    <th>Category 2 Benefits</th>
            {{for nu in nuclear:}}


            {{for ch in children:}}
{{if ch.client.id==nu.client.id:}}
            {{for pr in parent:}}
        {{if pr.client.id==nu.client.id:}}
            {{for ex in extended:}}
        {{if ex.client.id==nu.client.id:}}

currently so far so good
On Saturday, April 9, 2022 at 9:13:03 PM UTC+2 mostwanted wrote:

> Guys i need help here, I have an insurance database that has 3 tables of 
> information that relates to the client (account holder), what i want to do 
> is to be able to group each piece of information according to its owner 
> (account holder) in an html table in the view and not have it mixed up. 
> Have client A details in row 1, client A children details in row 2 and 
> client A parents information in the following row. From there client B and 
> his information in the subsequent rows then client C & so on. How can i 
> achieve this??
> *db.define_table('client',                Field('gender', 
> requires=IS_IN_SET(['Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss'], zero='---Select Gender---')),    
>             Field('last_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),                
> Field('first_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),                
> Field('id_number', requires = IS_MATCH('^\d{9}?$', error_message='An ID 
> Number should have exactly 9 digits')))db.define_table('children',          
>       Field('client', 'reference client', writable=False),                
> Field('gender', requires=IS_IN_SET(['Male', 'Female', 'None'], 
> zero='---Select Gender---')),                Field('childs_full_names', 
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),                Field('dob', 'date', 
> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),              
>  )db.define_table('parents_and_in_laws',                Field('client', 
> 'reference client', writable=False),                Field('gender', 
> requires=IS_IN_SET(['Mr', 'Mrs', 'Miss', 'None'], zero='---Select 
> Gender---')),                Field('full_name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),  
>               Field('id_number', requires = IS_MATCH('^\d{9}?$', 
> error_message='An ID Number should have exactly 9 digits')),                
> Field('relationship', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))*
> *Controller:*
> *def client_policy_packages():    
> nuclear=db(db.newclear_family.).select(db.newclear_family.ALL)    
> children=db(db.children).select(db.children.ALL)    
> parent=db(db.parents_and_in_laws).select(db.parents_and_in_laws.ALL)    
> extended=db(db.extended_family).select(db.extended_family.ALL)    return 
> locals()*
> *View:*
> *------------------------*

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