Thank you Jim, works

On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 2:07:06 PM UTC+2 Jim S wrote:

> How about this?
> *{{total = 0}}*
> *{{for c in children:}}<tr>*
> *    <td>{{=c.parent.full_names}}</td>    <td>{{=c.childs_names}}</td>    
> <td>{{=c.policy_cover.policy_name}}</td>    
> <td>{{=c.policy_cover.premium}}</td>*
> *    {{total +=c.policy_cover.premium}}</tr>{{pass}}*
> *<tr>*
> *    <td>*
> *        TOTAL PREMIUM: {{=total}}*
> *    </td>*
> *</tr>*
> On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 4:56:37 AM UTC-5 mostwanted wrote:
>> I have a problem that i'm failing to fix, i want to calculate the sum of 
>> all premiums for all tables in a client's account. A client is paying  
>> insurance for his kids & his parents, i want to display this information in 
>> the view in an html table and be able to calculate his total premium for 
>> both his kids and his parents, the problem is when i try to add them up it 
>> picks up only 1 value from the children's table which is the value last 
>> entered and 1 value in the parents table.
>> When i try *sum_values=db.children.policy_cover.premium.sum() *i get an 
>> error that:
>> *<class 'AttributeError'> 'Field' object has no attribute 'premium'*
>> *db.define_table('children_policy',                Field('policy_name'),  
>>               Field('premium', 'double'),                
>> format='%(policy_name)s')db.define_table('client',                
>> Field('full_names'),                format='%(full_names)s')*
>> *db.define_table('children',                Field('parent', 'reference 
>> client'),                Field('childs_names'),                
>> Field('policy_cover', 'reference children_policy')*
>> *def index():    clients=db(db.client).select()    
>> children=db(db.children).select(db.children.ALL)    
>> parent=db(db.parent).select(db.parent.ALL)    return locals()*
>> *VIEW*
>> *<table><th>POLICY OWNER</th>    <th>CHILD</th>    <th>POLICY</th>    
>> <th>PREMIUM</th><tr>{{for c in children:}}    
>> <td>{{=c.parent.full_names}}</td>    <td>{{=c.childs_names}}</td>    
>> <td>{{=c.policy_cover.policy_name}}</td>    
>> <td>{{=c.policy_cover.premium}}</td>    </tr>    
>> {{total=sum(c.policy_cover.premium)}}{{pass}}    {{pass}}                  
>>   <tr><td>TOTAL PREMIUM:{{=total}}</td></tr>    {{pass}}</table>*

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