On Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 1:43:13 AM UTC-7 mostwanted wrote:

> So I was able to figure my problem out thanks to Arglanir. I put in 
> alittle effort & I achieved positive results with the code below.
> def onetimecode(func):
>     def wrapper():
>         details=['not logged', session.logged]
>         if not request.vars.type or request.vars.type not in details:
>             redirect(URL('default', 'subscribe'))
>         else:
>             return func()
>     return wrapper
> ​
Glad you got it figured out, and thanks for sharing.


> On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 10:33:45 AM UTC+2 mostwanted wrote:
>> ​
>> I have an infinite loop problem that i don't know how to escape so i need 
>> help!!!! I have never used a decorator before I'm not even sure i fully 
>> understand how they work but i have used one & it's giving me a headache. 
>> I have registration form that's supposed to be protected by a one time 
>> code login page that i put inside a decorator trying to simulate 
>> *@auth.requires_login()*. The idea is that if the one time code is 
>> correct the user should access the registration form but *NEVER* if it's 
>> wrong and the user should never be able to bypass the security feature by 
>> directly typing the page address in the URL! But now I'm stuck in a loop 
>> with a page(one time code page) that keeps calling itself. How can I fix 
>> this to get what I want??
>> ​
>> def subscribe():
>>     key_exists = not db(db.regKeys.regKey == request.vars.regCode).isempty()
>>     if request.vars.regCode is None:
>>         message=''
>>     if key_exists:
>>         db(db.regKeys.regKey == request.vars.regCode).delete()
>>         redirect(URL('register_product'))
>>     if request.vars.regCode is not None and not key_exists:
>>         message="INCORRECT REG CODE"
>>     return locals()
>> ​
>> def onetimecode(func):
>>         def wrapper():
>>             redirect(URL('default', 'subscribe'))
>>         return wrapper
>> ​
>> @onetimecodedef register_product():
>>      timeout = auth.settings.expiration
>>  details=db(db.thirdParty).select()
>>  form=SQLFORM(db.black_market2)
>>  if form.process().accepted:
>>      response.flash=T('Successfully Registered')
>>  return locals()
>> ​

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