I was trying to see if limiting to 1 thread would make the debugger
work and stop in my controller code (like it used to).

Nope. No joy. I've really borked this up. As always, it's the thing
you _don't_ check that an be the problem. I have scoured over my
client and svr code and I can't find *anything* outstanding or wrong
(although I might still be missing it). I tried accessing web2py from
my client's browser and it worked fine. Just xmlrpc won't work -
anymore. And then...

Funny. That's odd. Somehow my bridged lan connection from the client
in virtualbox is now set to NAT (thus it's ip is 10.0.0.x). What the?

Setting the -o to 50000 showed me that my code is hanging. Methinks
that my network problems may be behind this problem. I remember back
that a new VirtualBox came out (3.0!) and I installed it on my Mac and
did _not_ touch my web2py box. Sun completely borked the networking -
tons of folk on the forums whining about it. I must have fiddled with
my HP laptop to check some settings and left it on NAT rather than
LAN. Seeing as the ips are NONROUTABLE I *believe* that I must be on
the same LAN if I want traffic between the (virtual) boxes. Putting it
back on Bridged mode of course means that *nothing* works now.

Are we having fun yet?


Oh yeah. I put this error into the "stupid" category. ***Sigh***
(fingers and eyes crossed that this IS the problem)

On Jul 27, 11:20 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Why setting these parameters?
> -n 1 -o 5000
> one thread only?
> Why not just leave the default parameters?
> Massimo
> On Jul 27, 8:39 pm, rb <rbspg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thx. I am *really* relieved that web2py doesn't need to be run as
> > root. I think my problem was that __init__.pyc got *somehow* owned by
> > root and then web2py wouldn't run unless it was root. I've now
> > successfully gotten it up and running (***finally***) as a non-root
> > user (yeah, I de-installed everything, deleted all relevent
> > directories, rebooted (this was necessary!!! even in Linux???) and
> > then did a reinstall). Ok. So I pull up web2py in eclipse and set a
> > breakpoint at the bottom and it stops and I click to *run* after that.
> > It should now stop in default.py at my breakpoints (like it used to)
> > when I make my xmlrpc calls from the client.
> > Instead, it doesn't hang, the client just aborts with a 400 error from
> > the svr. So I'm commenting out everything I can and just trying to get
> > ***anything*** to work. So far, no joy. I luv python but I absolutely
> > ***hate*** this "silent fail" time waster. Gawwwd.
> > Here's my args to web2py:
> > -i -p 8080 -v -n 1 -o 5000 -a "<recycle>"
> > I *think* that gives a 5 second timeout... mmmm I better up that to
> > 50000. I created another simple add/sub xmlrpc app and ***finally***
> > it works. So now onto the app that used to work.
> > This web server beastie does NOT play nice when it fails.
> > ---
> > Rb
> > *sigh*
> > On Jul 27, 6:03 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > NO. Running web2py as root is a very bad idea.
> > > Your problem does not look like a web2py problem but, assuming it is,
> > > it is possible that you run it as root (not good) and not you are
> > > running as a user (good) but you do not have permissions to read the
> > > files web2py created (for example the apps).
> > > Massimo
> > > On Jul 27, 2:00 pm, rb <rbspg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Arghhhhhhhhhhh....
> > > > I have been using eclipse (successfully up til now) to run the web2py
> > > > svr (ubuntu 9.04 desktop) on a lan address of,
> > > > connecting to a winXP client, also on the LAN. This allowed me to
> > > > single step through my controller code and it was working...
> > > > beautifully... I think now, in retrospect.
> > > > Something happened. Eclipse will no longer work. I cannot even load up
> > > > eclipse - it just hangs. I've deinstalled everything related to
> > > > eclipse and deleted the associated directories and done a complete re-
> > > > install. Nope it's all broke.
> > > > Okayyyyyyyyyyy... how about Winpdb? Ugh... slog through the docs and
> > > > figure out how to use it. Hey, not too bad... this should do...
> > > > except... I cannot run Web2py as a non-root user (probably something
> > > > to do with accessing sockets or something) and winpdb will work except
> > > > when I run it as root. Example:
> > > > > sudo winpdb -r web2py.py -i -p 8080 -v -a "<recycle>" &
> > > > Then I get:
> > > > [1] 12988
> > > > :~/workspace/rnapossvr/src$ /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/rpdb2.py:
> > > > 314: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
> > > >   import sets
> > > > /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/rpdb2.py:319: DeprecationWarning:
> > > > The popen2 module is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.
> > > >   import popen2
> > > > Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting.
> > > > QUESTION: does Web2py HAVE to be run as root? (Note I am NOT running
> > > > it on localhost because my client is another machine).
> > > > I've tried every !...@#$ thing I can think of to get a debugger to work.
> > > > No joy. I need to get this bugger to work.
> > > > ....excuse me... I have to go scream in the other room for a while.
> > > > ---
> > > > Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!
> > > > PS. A better question would be: what do you use to debug web2py? I've
> > > > introduced some kind of bug and all I get from my xmlrpc calls is a
> > > > "400 BAD REQUEST" back from the svr.
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