
I wonder if anyone could help, I've been battling with this for hours.
What I thought was going to be fairly straightforward has become very
time consuming.

I've got web2py setup as a wsgi, and I want to rewrite URLs using
Apache's mod_rewrite (I did try doing it via routes.py in web2py but
consistently got errors with even the simplest routes_in/out).

So, I'm not sure in which directory I should be putting the .htaccess
file. I thought I needed to put the file in the webapps/
myapachewsgiapp directory but that didn't give the desired results. I
tried the web2py folder, the web2py/applications folder, but none
work. I know I must be doing something wrong, but I just don't know
what it is.

Below is what I'm trying to achieve, followed by the rules I put in
my .htaccess file. Could someone please tell me where I'm going wrong,
and in which directory I need to put the .htaccess file? Mod_rewrite
is definitely enabled, but is there anything else I need to check in
my httpd.conf file? Thanks for the help :o)

I want to rewrite any requests like this:


To this:



This is what I put in my .htaccess file:

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^https?://thisis.mydomain.com/(([a-zA-Z0-9])+)?$
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