hi, and thanks for the reply. you gave some good options.
i'm hesitant to go to the jquery method unless it's a last resort,
because resorting to javascript here seems like a workaround.
i tried doing the simplest, which i figured was removing the hidden
field and putting this:
request.vars['hiddenfield'] = val
immediately before the form.accepts part. i could confirm that it set
properly and that request.vars found hiddenfield, but it still
wouldn't update (even if i set db.table.hiddenfield.writable=True).

something seems wrong there. is that by design? it was not a part of
the sqlform but it becomes a part of request.vars immediately before
the if form.accepts(request.vars, session), so i don't understand why
it would be left behind.
next i tried was your suggestion about processing the field manually
in the "if form.accepts" part. the problem i'm finding is that
form.accepts returns True or False rather than [id] or False. so i did
if a:

but when i printed a, it printed not as 1 or 2 but as True. so it
doesn't seem to be returning the identity that i would need in order
to process an update. am i missing something there?
lastly, i tried massimo's suggestion of setting the writable to false,
creating the form, and setting the writable to true. unfortunately,
that still didn't make the hidden field get processed. i tried making
the field not hidden and what that did was print out to the user:
hiddenfield: None
so i know i can use jquery to hide it and i'm willing to do that, but
it seems there should be a way to accomplish what i'm looking to do
server-side. i'm open to the idea that i'm doing something wrong, as
i'm still a relative newbie with web2py. thank you for the help so far
and i look forward to hearing what's out there.


On Aug 3, 5:59 am, Fran <francisb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 9:19 pm, mattynoce <mattyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi, i have a question about hidden fields.
> > i have a form that looks like this:
> > fields=['f1','f2','f3'...]
> > hidden=dict(fieldname=val)
> > form = SQLFORM(db.table, fields=fields, showid=False, hidden=hidden)
> > in the view it's simply {{=form}}
> > when i look at the view, there's a hidden input field for my hidden
> > field. however, when i do the insert, the hidden field is not getting
> > inserted into my db. the accept info is:
> >     if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
> >          session.flash='Added'
> >          redirect(URL(r=request, f="function"))
> > am i doing something wrong? why would the hidden field show up
> > properly in the view but not update the db?
> Hi Matt,
> I didn't know about this functionality before as it's not a documented
> option in the docstring for SQLFORM (or FORM), but I see it in the
> manual now.
> Looking at the code in sqlhtml.py, it seems that the hidden fields
> aren't processed by SQLFORM itself...I guess this is a design rather
> than a bug (the hidden fields would normally be for other things than
> DB fields).
> You have several options to achieve what you want, including:
> (1) Process this field manually in the 'if form.accepts' part
> (2) Don't pass the field as hidden to 'form' but instead use jQuery to
> hide the row (default value can be set within model or by jQuery)
> (3) Follow Massimo's suggestion:
> db.table.hidden_field.writable = False
> form = SQLFORM(db.table, fields=fields, showid=False, hidden=hidden)
> db.table.hidden_field.writable = True
> if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
> Best Wishes,
> Fran.
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