I am trying my first web2py page and I am wasting hours even after
watching several tutorial video's, reading the manual and the latest
version of cookbook2.pdf.

After createing a new application, I want to to customize the menu and
put an image where the menu.py specifies:

response.title = request.application
response.subtitle = T('customize me!')

I want to replace the "request.application" part with a logo which I
put amongst the static files.

I have tried to modify layout.html as follows, but it ignores what I
am trying to do:

<div class="wrapper">
      <table class="layout">
          <td colspan="3"  class="header">
            {{title=response.title or 'response.title'}}

            {{IMG(_src=URL(r=request, c='static', f='Tux.jpg'))}}

Please help me to waste less time.


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