On Aug 7, 8:19 am, max <dulip.withan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can i configure the Active directory authentification using CAS?
> should i have to uncomment and edit the
> ""
> auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth
> (mode='ad',server='my.domain.controller',base_dn="ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com",bind_dn="cn=Administrator,ou=Users,d
> c=domain,dc=com",bind_pass="password"))
> ""
> or is there anyway to configure it application based?

You can use AD without CAS...just for a single application...this is
the usual usage.
I don't have experience of using it with CAS...I just downloaded the
CAS appliance & it doesn't seem to use Auth, so would need converting
to use Auth before it could be made to work with ldap_auth.

The best docs for LDAP authentication are currently within the source
(the new book also has some, but the source is fine):

So to use AD, you need to have 2 lines in your model (on top of the
usual Auth lines):
from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
server='my.domain.controller', base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com'))

This mode means that password is cached in DB & so you can access
using last password known to the app in case AD is down.
To not have this method, make the 2nd line instead:
auth.settings.login_methods = [ldap_auth(mode='ad',
server='my.domain.controller', base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com')]

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