@massimo:  We've communicated before about our application... but It's
been a while. ;) I'm a teacher at Friends Central School in PA.  In
addition to teaching web development and python, I'm working with
another programmer to re-build our existing intranet application that
handles a wide range of classroom mgmt. activities (attendance,
assignments, grading, special reports, transcripts, enrollment,
athletic team mgmt, scheduling, etc.) After redesigning the db and
migrating all data, I'm finally getting back to web2py.

We've decided to build this app as an RIA (rich internet application).
As such, we'll develop a mix of template-driven pages for data
maintenance as well as pages with more sophisticated interaction. For
the latter, we're using web2py to return an HTML skeleton and ajax/
json to populate data on the page. Once the teacher/student home pages
are rendered, our use of ajax should improve user interaction
significantly when compared to the existing app.

I may decide to teach web2py to my python class, but I'm not currently
competent enough with the product to teach it. I'd need to find time
to dig into the gluon and contrib modules before I'd feel comfortable.
I know you must be thinking... if I looked at the code, I'd be more
competent with the product. It's a question of priority; I need to get
an application out, not master the underlying code. So, right now, I'm
just a "user" who occasionally peeks under the hood.

@Jonathan: When I research problems, I look in the book, on the web2py
site, and in the wiki. I agree that one central repository is
essential to people like me who are struggling to go up the learning
curve. I think a web-based repository is best because it can be more
dynamic/responsive than a book. It would be terrific if someone could
cull and categorize all the wisdom of this group in one place (I find
the "search" here to be hit and miss). That said, I also understand
the need for a book.


On Aug 14, 3:37 pm, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 12:20 PM, Michael wrote:
> > Thanks Massimo, that's a great help. I'm starting to get the hang of
> > it.
> > I had trouble with the following:
> >>>> r9=db(q2)(db.Section.id==7767|db.Section.id==7540).select()
> > but realized that I needed to enclose the filters in parentheses:
> >>>> r9=db(q2)( (db.Section.id==7767) | (db.Section.id==7540) ).select()
> > The web2py book certainly helped with basic concepts but now that I've
> > ventured into real-world coding on our classroom management
> > application, I'm finding it difficult to extrapolate the basics to the
> > more complex tasks.
> That's been my experience. This list is very useful, but it'd be nice  
> to be able to capture this kind of help someplace easier to find.
> > Hence, I really appreciate your help. I'm hoping
> > the new version of the book will contain more advanced examples so I
> > can work through problems more independently. :)
> > BTW, it was at this exact point that I gave up on django last summer.
> > I couldn't find a way to generate very complex joins using their DAL.
> > Eventually, I turned to web2py. It was the right decision for our
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