I will look into this today.

On Aug 20, 4:24 am, Carl <carl.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I upgraded from 1.65.5 to 1.66.1 this morning but had the following
> issue.
> I'm using WinXP with sqlite.
> recent call stack (most recent call at bottom)...
> gluon/main.py line 470 inwsgibase session._unlock(response)
> gluon/globals.py line 369 in _unlock portalocker.unlock
> (response.session_file)
> gluon/portalocker.py line 74 unlock
> hfile = win32file._get_ofshandle(file.fileno())
> ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
> I didn't try to deploy to gae (my production environment) but a return
> to 1.65.5 worked just fine.
> Before I give more details, is this a known issue with the 1.66.1
> release?
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