web2y should work with 2.4. Some apps that use specific 2.5 syntax may
need tweaking.

On Aug 21, 3:53 am, Alexei Vinidiktov <alexei.vinidik...@gmail.com>
> I've checked and unfortunately on my dreamhost server they have Python
> 2.4, so no luck with the stock install of Python. I'll have to
> continue with the custom version. If only I could figure out how to
> compile the custom version of Python with ssl support...
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 10:57 PM, mr.freeze<nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
> > It works for me using smtp.gmail.com:587.  Also, I have the web2py
> > examples running athttp://safeasmilk.com/examples/default/indexif
> > you want to take a look.
> > On Aug 20, 9:32 am, Alexei Vinidiktov <alexei.vinidik...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> Does the Mail module work fine?
> >> I also have a working web2py installation on Dreamhost, but I'm using
> >> a custom Python install and I have problems with the Mail module,
> >> namely with the ssl used by smtp.
> >> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 11:37 AM, mr.freeze<nat...@freezable.com> wrote:
> >> > All of the solutions looked a bit hackish to me so I chose the easiest
> >> > one :) By the way, I'm running it off of Dreamhost's python2.5 binary,
> >> > not a custom install.  I haven't run into any problems yet.
> >> > On Aug 19, 10:29 pm, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> I will be setting up another account soon.  Perhaps I can try it... it
> >> >> looks like quite the hack to me.
> >> >> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 20:12 -0700, mr.freeze wrote:
> >> >> > Have you considered Passenger WSGI? I am using it on my Dreamhost
> >> >> > account and it seems fast/stable.  The setup took about 2 minutes
> >> >> > (seriously).
> >> >> > I can put together a step by step if you're interested (for free :)
> >> >> > On Aug 19, 12:11 pm, Jason Brower <encomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> > > I almost have this settup working on a dreamhost server.
> >> >> > > Here is the tutorial I am 
> >> >> > > following...http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Web2py
> >> >> > > Everything seems to work ok...  Except when I try to go to the 
> >> >> > > directory
> >> >> > > I get this in my browser...http://www.trimaxsafety.com.tw/web2py/
> >> >> > > This is not the ussual 404 error.
> >> >> > > Here is my setup....
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ python -V
> >> >> > > Python 2.5
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ pwd
> >> >> > > /home/interestid/trimaxsafety.com.tw/web2py
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ ls -l
> >> >> > > total 2676
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     225 2009-02-07 15:23 ABOUT
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    6006 2009-02-07 15:23 LICENSE
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    5040 2009-08-17 22:07 Makefile
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868   15964 2009-08-11 04:56 README
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868      37 2009-08-17 22:07 VERSION
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868       0 2009-07-17 19:33 
> >> >> > > __init__.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868  392896 2009-08-17 22:08 admin.w2p
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     601 2009-05-21 21:58 app.yaml
> >> >> > > drwxrwxr-x 5 interestid pg2250868    4096 2009-08-19 08:27 
> >> >> > > applications
> >> >> > > -rwxr-xr-x 1 interestid pg2250868     334 2009-05-15 09:45 
> >> >> > > cgihandler.py
> >> >> > > drwxrwxr-x 2 interestid pg2250868    4096 2009-08-19 08:27 deposit
> >> >> > > -rwxrwxr-x 1 interestid pg2250868     226 2009-08-19 08:08 
> >> >> > > dispatch.fcgi
> >> >> > > -rwxr-xr-x 1 interestid pg2250868    4753 2009-07-12 14:02 
> >> >> > > epydoc.conf
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868   20993 2009-07-12 14:01 
> >> >> > > epydoc.css
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868 2115361 2009-08-17 22:08 
> >> >> > > examples.w2p
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    1242 2009-05-15 09:45
> >> >> > > fcgihandler.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    1606 2009-07-17 19:33 
> >> >> > > gaehandler.py
> >> >> > > drwxrwxr-x 3 interestid pg2250868    4096 2009-08-19 08:27 gluon
> >> >> > > -rw-rw-r-- 1 interestid pg2250868       5 2009-08-19 08:27
> >> >> > > httpserver.pid
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    5878 2009-07-17 19:33
> >> >> > > modpythonhandler.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     490 2009-02-11 13:36
> >> >> > > options_std.py
> >> >> > > -rw-rw-r-- 1 interestid pg2250868      14 2009-08-19 08:27
> >> >> > > parameters_8000.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868    2181 2009-07-27 18:35
> >> >> > > routes.example.py
> >> >> > > drwxrwxr-x 2 interestid pg2250868    4096 2009-08-19 08:24 scripts
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     606 2009-05-17 08:34 
> >> >> > > setup_app.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     653 2009-07-17 19:33 
> >> >> > > setup_exe.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     379 2009-05-17 08:34 web2py.py
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868   63072 2009-08-17 22:08 
> >> >> > > welcome.w2p
> >> >> > > -rw-r--r-- 1 interestid pg2250868     614 2009-07-17 19:33
> >> >> > > wsgihandler.py
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ less dispatch.fcgi
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ cat dispatch.fcgi
> >> >> > > #!/home/youruserhere/run/bin/python
> >> >> > > import sys
> >> >> > > from flup.server.fcgi_fork import WSGIServer
> >> >> > > import gluon.main
> >> >> > > application=gluon.main.wsgibase
> >> >> > > ## or
> >> >> > > # application=gluon.main.wsgibase_with_logging
> >> >> > > WSGIServer(application).run()
> >> >> > > [redwings]$ cat .htaccess
> >> >> > > RewriteEngine On
> >> >> > > RewriteBase /
> >> >> > > RewriteRule ^dispatch\.fcgi/ - [L]
> >> >> > > RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi/$1 [L]
> >> >> > > [redwings]$
> >> >> > > ---
> >> >> > > And for those of you that can automate this dreamhost web2py setup 
> >> >> > > with
> >> >> > > a script... I would give them 50$ with paypal.  That or buy them
> >> >> > > something online, or take them to dinner. (If they are in finland.)
> >> >> > > Best Regards,
> >> >> > > Jason Brower- Hide quoted text -
> >> >> - Show quoted text -
> >> --
> >> Alexei Vinidiktov- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
> --
> Alexei Vinidiktov
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